Tag Archives: wellness

Steam Shower As Treatment For Lyme Disease

Steam Shower
April 24, 2017
Image Source: rodalesorganiclife.com Tick bites carry with them various diseases. Some are more serious than others. Unfortunately, ticks can be found everywhere. They especially thrive in moist and humid environments, such as wooded or grassy areas. You may encounter them as you do outdoor activities or perhaps when you walk near...

How To Learn To Love To Exercise

March 8, 2017
If you know you should exercise, but resist the idea, it is rarely because you are not convinced of its enormous benefits. Besides the plethora of researched literature on the benefits of exercise, all you have to do to convince yourself is to compare the vitality and health of friends...

Great Ways To Avoid Bugs This Winter

February 22, 2017
It is hard to stay healthy in winter time. There are bugs everywhere. We are all a little stressed out and tired after Christmas and our immune systems suffer. With germs everywhere, they are hard to avoid. Unfortunately, life does not stop! We cannot all hibernate and only come out...

Is Fluoride In Drinking Water Good For You And Your Family?

February 9, 2017
Fluoridation of water is a common practice in the United States, as well as in many other countries. The process involves making sure that every liter of public water supply has 0.7 mg of fluoride in it. This is done to ensure better dental health in the general public, since...

Fitness Is A Lifestyle — Learn How To Live It

January 18, 2017
Every kind of lifestyle has its own set of rules. There must be serious consequences for breaking them. Fitness is a lifestyle. What does this really mean? It takes you years to develop and fully adapt to a certain kind of lifestyle. That is because it is a permanent change...