Beauty of Black Moors: A Comprehensive Guide

May 15, 2024

Aquariums are not just about glass enclosures filled with water, but mesmerizing portals to an underwater realm. Among the many marine treasures, black moor goldfish is a beautiful sight for its velvet black color and big bulging eyes. This manual is intended for aquarium lovers, novice aquarists and enthusiasts of wildlife willing to plunge into the world of wonders-Black Moors.

Black Moor: Origins, Physical Characteristics, and Unique Features

The Black Moor is derived from China and has been beloved in aquarium circles worldwide for ages as a variant of the telescope goldfish. These fish have deep dark colors that may sometimes turn lighter as they age while their eyes protrude outwards forming bulbous spheres. Their roundish egg-shape bodies are complemented by long fins which makes them very appealing hence it’s no wonder they are among the most preferred breeds by fish keepers.

Setting Up the Perfect Aquarium for Black Moors

Tank Size

Black moors need enough space to swim around freely and grow optimally. For one black moor alone, 20 gallons minimum tank capacity should be set aside with an extra 10 gallons per extra fish added so as not to crowd them.

Water Parameters

Being robust fishes, Black Moors can adapt to different water conditions. However, suitable water parameters include temperature range of 65-75°F (18-24°C), pH levels between 6.5-7.5 and moderate hardness of water.

Ideal Tank Mates

Since they tend to be peaceful species, black moor will coexist well with other delicate or slow swimming species of fish like Ryukins , Orandas etc which are also various types of goldfish.Don’t keep them with aggressive varieties nor those that nip in fins.

Black Moor Care Guide


It’s good to know that black moors eat almost any kind of food and thrive on goldfish flakes or pellets which are high-quality, dry brine shrimp, frozen bloodworms and blanched vegetables. This will keep their water from getting polluted and them from becoming sick.


Routine cleaning of the Goldfish tank and regular water changes (about 20-30% weekly) are vital for black moors’ health. The filter system should be effective but not too strong because strong currents can make these fish stressed out.

Health Tips

As a result of their eyes popping out, black moors are prone to swim bladder issues as well as other eye injuries. Checking the buoyancy while ensuring there are no sharp decorations in the tank can help prevent such problems.

Breeding Black Moors

Rearing black moor is one such activity that is quite fulfilling. They lay eggs and normally do so in the spring season. To induce spawning, slowly increase the temperature of the water and provide lots of plants or spawning mops for egg-laying. It is important to move the parents away from eggs to avoid eating them up.

Common Mistakes to Avoid with Black Moors


Feeding too much is one of the common mistakes that aquarists make which may lead to low-quality water conditions along with various health challenges. Feed small amounts twice daily, and remove all uneaten foods.

Poor Tank Conditions

Ignoring changeovers during maintenance and not cleaning your tank often will result in you having high ammonia levels in nitrate content that could stress your fish resulting in diseases.

Tank Mates to Avoid

Fast-swimming species that tend to compete with them for food as well as any aggressive species which would cause harm must be kept away from black moors.

The Black Moor in Aquarium Culture

The black moor has a special place in aquarium culture, symbolizing good luck and prosperity in many cultures. Although it is surrounded by myths and folklore that add to its mystique, the real adoration of black moors comes from their unique beauty and calm disposition.


Taking care of black moors is not only about maintaining an aquarium but nurturing a living art. When properly taken care of, these captivating creatures can offer years of happiness as well as peace. For seasoned aquarists or beginners who are new to the hobby, the Black Moor offers an enriching experience that enhances one’s wonder for the marvels found in nature.


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