But let is start this article with a little thought exercise: imagine your life if you won the lottery tomorrow, and ask yourself where you would travel with your family. If you won, for example, the Powerball lottery, with its minimum jackpot of 40 million dollars, it would mean that money is no object. You can broadly categorize all vacations into two groups: relaxation vacations and activity vacations, and by winning the Powerball lottery, you and your family can easily afford to go on both. The ultimate family trip!
Relaxation vacations are your typical beach resort holidays, complete with a chilly drink nestled in the sand next to your reclining chair. The kids can entertain themselves swimming and playing in the sand. For those looking to de-stress and unwind, this is the ideal family vacation. The other broad category, the activity vacation, is one centered on doing things, whether it’s going to Disney World or hiking a trail or even going on an African safari. This type of vacation is great, because it brings the family closer together, sharing an experience that everyone will remember.
Oftentimes, families have to choose one of these vacations at the expense of the other, but by setting up a Vacation Lottery Fund, you could win enough money to do both. A Vacation Lottery Fund is pretty straightforward: set up a Powerball subscription, which allows you to automatically play every draw and even gives you every 10th ticket for free, and whenever you win anything, big or small, put it into a vacation savings account. After a while, you could find that you have enough money to do a full world trip. And if you are lucky enough to hit it big by winning the jackpot, you and your family will be set for life.
In order to really make it a family fund, choose numbers that have special significance to you, such as your kid’s birthday or your anniversary. You could even think outside of the box and choose numbers based on the temperature of your choice vacation destinations. It is not only a fun form of entertainment in and of itself, but it could potentially net you a large cash prize.
It is difficult deciding on where to go on vacation with your family, whether to relax or do activities. By setting up a Vacation Lottery Fund, you could win enough money that you will never have to make that tough decision again — you can just do both!