Reaching your late twenties can be quite an exciting time, but this time can also call for quite a lot of changes in your social life. Years old friendships might suffer and tight-knit groups might split and are reformed under the pretext of bridal showers, weddings, mortgage payments, baby showers, et cetera.
However, if you are at a point in life where settling down is the last thing on your mind and that house hunting or planning baby showers is something you run away from then these activities might just not be the thing for you. With your friends busy booking family holidays or downgrading to SUVs it leaves you no choice, but to take off on your own.
Why is being single such a taboo? Why do people naturally assume that people do not want to be single and being alone is something they are helpless to remedy? Why has society stigmatized being single? Regardless of what the society says, recent studies found out that a whopping number of 75% of women and over 65% of men in the UK have not even actively looked for a partner in the past year and most of these people have said that they are content with their single relationship status.
How to reclaim your single life with a travel group?
Traveling with an international travel group might be just one of the most effective and exciting ways for you to empower yourself and reclaim your single life. Although group travel might not be the most recommended form of travel, but then again adventures with strangers in a strange land is what most travelers rant about. And let us be honest, these experiences make the best movies as well.
Being single is not necessarily some sort of a utopian state that you should pursue or achieve and neither is being committed. Relationships can be tricky, but that does not necessarily make them a bad thing. However traveling with a group of strangers does not mean you are alone; you still enjoy the security and moral support of fellow beings just like you. On the other hand you are completely free from other forms of expectation that would normally be expected of you if you would have been in a committed relationship.
How does traveling help change your life?
For most travelers there is no greater feeling in life and nothing gives them more pleasure than to have their bags packed and getting ready for the next big adventure. Some might even tell you it is the greatest adrenaline rush they have ever experienced.
You widen your perspective of life
Traveling perhaps is the most effective way for you to broaden your perspective. There is no other way for you to change the way you look at your life and perceive others than to see the way other people are living. Traveling gives you an opportunity to appreciate other people, other cultures, and other languages. You experience different lifestyles; different foods that will with no doubt change the way you perceive life.
You will start to value experience over things
Once you get hooked to the drug that is traveling, no other thing will give you more pleasure than arriving in a completely new land. Instead of investing in luxury items like a brand new sports car or fancy designer clothes you would rather save up and book your next flight to the next big destination on your list. Most travel junkies will easily tell you that traveling is not just something you do; travel is a lifestyle.
Travel helps you gain a sense of Independence
Whether you travel alone or with a group, travelling helps you become independent. It could be figuring out how to get from destination A to destination B or even asking for directions from people who do not speak the same language as you. No matter how small it seems, but these little steps are all moving you towards becoming a more independent and stronger person.
Get out of your comfort zone
One can get quite comfortable in their own place, such as the comfort of your home, your little routine, your favorite foods, and even the people around you. Traveling is a way for you to get out of your comfort zone and experience new things. Traveling with a travel group will especially help you develop better social and communication skills.
Traveling makes you more adaptable
At most times your flights will be on time, you will try to meet all your scheduled tour visits and all will be fine. But at times things can be unexpectedly wrong; flights tend to get cancelled, sometimes unexpected weather can change your whole day that you might have planned so meticulously. But through all these ups and downs you will still manage to get out and make the most of it. This shows how much traveling can change you for the better, you come out more flexible and more adaptable to the things that life throw and you and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Traveling recharges you
Studies have shown that the average American works around 40-60 hours and would even skip on vacations to earn more money. But let us be honest and admit that the money is simply not always worth it. It is true if you have a family then you might consider saving up, but if you are single and have no urgent responsibilities then what are you saving up for? These vacation days that you are giving up on are actually mental health days. You need to realize that your brain also needs a break from your mundane activities. Your body needs a break from sitting at that office desk for so long.
So research, find the destination that you would love to go to, reset your emotions, make new friends, experience new cultures, rediscover yourself, and allow your body to recharge!