These days, cannabis tourism isn’t just for the serious stoner. As more states and countries relax regulations regarding reefer, more travelers are planning their trips around that sticky green herb — and some of the most interesting trips involve epic adventure.
If you are interested in combining your drive for adventure and your desire to smoke weed, the following destinations are calling your name:
Believe it or not, Alaska was the first U.S. state to allow its citizens to consume cannabis, thanks to an Alaska Supreme Court case from way back in 1975. More recently, the state codified adult-use cannabis and permitted the sale of weed products in dispensaries. Now, any adult aged 21 or older can visit a retail cannabis dispensary, buy up to an ounce of dry flower and consume the bud in private. Most dispensaries are located in larger cities like Juneau, but some tourist-centered towns also tend to have a retail cannabis shop or two.
Alaska has long been a top destination for those seeking truly untamed wilderness experiences. Despite being the largest state, Alaska is among the least populated, meaning much of its territory consists of the protected natural landscape — a landscape that undeniably filled with adventure opportunities. In Alaska’s many parks, you can wilderness camp, kayak, watch wildlife, hike or trek, cross-country ski and participate in almost any other outdoor activity you can imagine. However, you should be careful not to bring your kush onto federal property, including national parkland, as you would be breaking federal law.
British Columbia
British Columbia offers many of the same adventurous benefits as Alaska — but it tends to be a bit closer to home for most American travelers. B.C. gained legal recreational weed in 2018, when Canada became the first developed nation and major economic power to end cannabis prohibition. In B.C., adults-only need to be 19 to legally enter cannabis retail stores and make purchases. Even better, B.C. allows qualified adults to consume cannabis almost anywhere that tobacco products can be used, which includes some public spaces.
There are several destinations within British Columbia that should call to the adventure travel enthusiast. Rock climbing in Bugaboo Provincial Park, hiking the Berg Lake Trail, kayaking the Broken Group Islands, and even scuba diving off Northern Vancouver Island are some of the most memorable experiences in the region. However, as is always true with outdoor adventure, it isn’t advisable to be high during any intense activity, as weed can impair coordination or critical thinking.
While Canada gets much praise, technically Uruguay was the first nation to legalize cannabis nationwide. Unfortunately, the naturally laid-back culture of the country, the rollout of regulations regarding cannabis sales have been slow. Today, registered Uruguayan citizens can purchase up to 40 grams of cannabis per month from certain pharmacies, and visitors can consume cannabis given to them anywhere but inside an enclosed public building.
Fortunately, it isn’t terribly difficult to find a generous local looking to unload some of their cannabis stashes. You definitely won’t feel out of place enjoying the good herb on any of Uruguay’s world-famous beaches, in the natural hot springs, or luxury outdoor recreation area of Punta del Diablo. In fact, you probably won’t be able to ignore the pungent pot smell almost everywhere you go.
Surprisingly to many adventure travelers, Southeast Asia is remarkably accepting of cannabis consumption. In Cambodia in particular, weed is so well-loved that the government has all but given up trying to enforce outdated regulations on growing or selling Reggie. The most likely place you will find weed in Cambodia is on restaurant menus; if you notice a small pot leaf or the word “happy” appearing next to a meal, you should know that you are ordering a potent edible.
Cambodia is an excellent destination for beginner adventure travelers and seasoned explorers, alike. You can book an adventure tour that includes guided excursions around temples and national parks, or you can see the sights on your own, hiking, biking, kayaking, and more. As long as you don’t get too high that you get taken advantage of by eager street merchants (or thieves!), you should have a phenomenal trip in and around Phnom Penh.
It seems that adventure travel and top-tier weed go hand-in-hand. It isn’t difficult to find a place where you can get out of your comfort zone and relax with the reefer, even if you want to do both legally.