Structure of education in England
Studying in London, the capital of prestigious European education, is of great academic and professional importance. English schools graduates can enter almost any university in the world, and an English university degree is recognized in more than 180 countries as an extremely promising start to a career in any field. But it is in London that the chances of making useful contacts and receiving lucrative offers from international companies are very, very high.
Studying in London allows you to immerse yourself in a multicultural environment and a developed urban infrastructure. Covent Garden has great street performers, theaters and a bustling market place, whilst Camden Town is a jazz and pub scene, and Oxford Street in the city center is a buzzing place to store.
The educational process consists of three stages:
- Elementary school: 5-11 years old.
- Secondary school: 11-16 years.
- Further education: 16-18 years.
Pre-school education, called pre-school, provides preparation for children to enter their first educational course. It is only skipped if there is a serious medical problem or delay in a child’s development. Prices for education in schools in England largely depend on the level of the institution chosen by parents.
The school year consists of three trimesters. Studies begin on September 1, and classes end on June 30. Children have a break from school in July and August. Also, nobody studies at Easter or Christmas. Elementary school introduces students to the basic subjects necessary for further study. The subjects studied are:
- geography;
- Mathematics;
- music;
- art;
- The basics of the English language;
- history.
For children who have moved on to the next level of education, the number of required disciplines is gradually added. How much will it cost to study in a school in England – it all depends on the status of the institution, additional services, and other factors that affect pricing.
Teachers work with students on basic subjects, supplementing the education with individual elective classes. Students choose the areas they are more interested in. An accent is made on development of creative abilities and leadership qualities of a child. With each year of education of children acquire new knowledge, which in the future allows them to become qualified specialists. Having finished middle school, teenagers study two more years in high school. After high school, students choose what suits them best:
- go to college to get a profession in a couple of years and start earning money;
- take an A-Level course to enter one of the country’s universities and get a higher education.
Advantages and peculiarities of schooling in England
- Prestige. An English school is the benchmark. By the most conservative estimate, the history of the British educational system is 10 centuries old. Already in the time of Shakespeare English education was considered elitist, and students from all over Europe came here for knowledge. Studying in an English school gives your child an age-old tradition of education and gives them an advantage when they enter a university or apply for a job.
- Quality. In the UK education is taken extremely seriously, making no allowances for anyone: the hereditary princes and children of billionaires are asked as severely as ordinary children. In an English school no one is allowed to be lazy, skip classes, or cheat. Discipline is the basis of learning. The study in an English school is not like serving in the army, the equation is unthinkable, each student is looking for an individual approach, trying to develop his talents. Teachers in English schools are true professionals, many of them teach at prestigious universities. Your child will learn from the best experts in their field. That is why studying in England is not just a beautiful diploma, it is real knowledge.
- The opportunity to learn English. Of course, if you decide to send your child to study in England, he is already able to speak fluent English. But there is a qualitative difference between the language learned at home, and learned by immersion in the classroom. Already in a year, your child will speak it almost like his native tongue, get rid of the accent and other mistakes.
- Connections. Private school graduates in Britain are hardly a special caste. Talented and determined children of privileged parents grow up and become big businessmen, actors, politicians, economists, lawyers, scientists. Studying in England will broaden your child’s circle of acquaintances. School connections last a lifetime, and 10 years after graduation your son or daughter will already have a wide network of acquaintances in high circles.
- Access to foreign universities. There is no point in dwelling on the fact that a British private school diploma from Oxford, the Sorbonne, or Yale is important.
- Immersion in a different cultural environment. Studying in England, your child will be in contact with both Brits and representatives of other nations. This will broaden the cultural horizon.
The learning environment in London’s schools
The British educational system clearly regulates all the steps of the student, tirelessly controlling his behavior, his attitude to learning. Each private school has its own flexible methods of rewards and punishments. In addition to the common core system of education, schools use innovative methods that make it possible to determine the hobbies of the student, his predisposition for certain sciences. How much will it cost to study in a British school – it largely depends on the individual characteristics of the chosen institution, the level of teacher education, the number of additional services.
Behind every facade of the school reigns discipline and the cult of asceticism. In order for a child to be excused from school lessons, there must be a really good reason. For example, a slight indisposition, a bad mood and even the high status of the family will not release him from the need to participate in the general cleaning of the territory, the care of clothes, equipment, the classrooms. Meals for those living on full board are only from the common “cauldron” in the dining hall. Teachers strictly ensure that students look immaculate at all times, and daily wet room cleaning is the responsibility of everyone who lives on campus.
Leaving the grounds is only by special permission, with strict adherence to existing internal rules. It could be argued that sentiment is unfamiliar to the English educational system. Graduates of some famous universities compare life on campus to imprisonment, but at the same time claim that it was the best years of their life, which allowed them to make real friends.
The cost of education in schools in London
Prices of education in schools in England are formed by the heads of educational institutions on the additional services offered. Every parent, when choosing an educational institution for their child, seeks to ensure the highest possible level of preparation for further admission to university. How much does it cost to study at a British school is determined by the level of education of the teaching staff, conditions of permanent residence, meals, the number of additional extracurricular optional activities. Setting a child closer to the north of the island, you can save a lot of money.
The cost of education in the British international schools of London, Oxford and Cambridge are many times more expensive. School in England, education, price – all these issues are considered by parents to make the final choice. And not everyone knows that the earlier the child begins to learn, the lower the initial payment of the education, respectively, the higher the chances of going to university.
The cost of education in English schools is individual and is determined by each institution. Many institutions of higher education offer scholarships, grants for gifted students, which allows them to minimize the cost of education.
Students who show excellent results, participate in conferences, develop interesting projects or regularly win prizes in sports competitions can seriously reduce the cost of education. Therefore, how much it will cost to study at a particular school in England depends on the ability of the student, his desire to perform at the highest level, participation in social life.
Documents for admission to schools in London
The package of documents usually includes:
- A transcript with grades for the last two or three years of schooling.
- Certificate of Language Proficiency Examination.
- Recommendations from teachers in English and Mathematics.
- Autobiography.
- Letter of motivation or essay.
- Copy of applicant’s passport.
All papers must be written in English or translated into English.

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