There are very few torrent sites out there that provide high-quality content while giving you full protection against harmful viruses and stuff. 1337x is one such platform which offers the best experience to its users across the globe.
There are plenty of reasons why this site should be on the top of your list of torrent websites and some of these we will be looking at shortly. 1337x is committed to providing a risk-free and pleasant torrent experience to its users and that is what makes this site so great.
Everyone loves watching movies and shows and in the past, there was a site Queenslandmax favorite among movie lovers that gives them ultimate access to watching free movies online. Now there are many other sites available and everyone is now keeping busy on their phones to run shows and movies.
Here are a few main reasons why we believe 1337x is a great site for downloading movies and games
Great Content Library
One main thing that makes this site superior is the quantity as well as the variety of the stuff it hosts. You can find here movies and games from more than 20 genres.
Each film comes in a number of resolutions from different sources and the games are available in both original as well as repacked versions that consume very little of your storage space. Just like moviesda, this site contains both the latest released as well as old classic movies and games for you to enjoy in your free time.
Friendly User Interface
1337x has a very efficient user interface. The torrent downloading steps are self-explanatory and you don’t need special training to download games and movies from this site.
Each torrent file on this site is accompanied by useful information such as title, size, seeders, leechers count, and the uploader’s information. There is a search bar that uses an efficient auto-completion feature to help you out.
You can also find separate options for downloading apps, games, shows, movies, books, etc. on the site.
Fewer Ads
This feature of 1337x is the main reason why so many torrent users prefer it over the others. There are very few ads and popups on the site and that saves so much of your time and energy while you search for the shows and games that you love.
Mostly you encounter just one or two minor popups while searching for torrents and once you select a certain file the ads disappear and you can continue with the downloading process.
Foolproof Security
Unlike most free torrent sites, 1337x pays extra attention to user security. Most torrent files on this site are safe from viruses and malware. The site protects your online information using its highly efficient security protocols and firewalls.
Though almost every torrent file on the site is safe, we still urge you to install some free or paid antivirus on your device while torrenting to be on the safe side.
Regular Updates
This is another great thing about 1337x. This site gets regular updates that remove any bugs or inconsistencies encountered by the users. Another purpose of these updates is to add the latest features and new content from trusted sources.
The movies and games library of this site is constantly expanding which means you can never run out of interesting content to download and enjoy.
Active Seeders Community
Every torrent user knows well that the number of seeders of a torrent is directly related to the quality and health of a certain torrent file. Most of the torrent files on this site have seeders in hundreds.
Files with more seeders also generate more downloading speeds. Thus, by using 1337x you can download very high-quality games and movies in the least amount of time. So, try out this site for the safest and more productive tormenting experience. Visit pastnews for more stuff.
Wrapping it Up
So, these are just a few reasons why we think 1337x is the best torrent site for downloading movies and games. This site has a sleek UI, fast page loading speed, healthy torrents, and an amazing library of movies as well as games.
Millions of torrent users pick this site over alternatives such as The Pirate Bay, YTS, etc. we really hope this information about 1337x has helped you in some way and we urge you once again to try out the site if you haven’t already.