Betta Fish are one of the more popular types of fish kept by aquarists, and for good reason. They are beautiful, peaceful, and fascinating to watch. However, because Bettas are relatively hard to find in pet shops, many new enthusiasts will have trouble finding a responsible, reliable source for the fish. If you are interested in fish keeping, but do not have a larger aquarium (55g is perfect), consider keeping a Betta in a jar as a good start. A Betta in a jar requires the same care as a Betta kept in a tank. In this article, you will get more info on how to grow a Betta fish in a jar, and discuss the pros and cons of raising Betta fish in a jar.
What is a Betta Fish?
Betta fish are an air-breathing freshwater species that require a habitat with clean, freshwater. Beyond these basic requirements, there are many different factors to consider when trying to provide the best possible care for your Betta.
Why keep a Betta Fish in a jar?
There are many reasons why people keep Bettas in jars. Some people do it to save money and space, while others do it because they live in an apartment without a balcony or a tank. Some people like to have a Betta as a pet, but they do not have the time to care for them.
You can keep your Betta in any jar you want, but make sure that the jar has a tight-fitting lid with no leaks. A one-gallon container is sufficient for one Betta fish; however, anything larger than two gallons will provide more space for your fish to swim around. You should plan on cleaning the water every week or two.
Bettas are hearty creatures, and they can survive in very small spaces and slow-moving water. In fact, when you keep them in jars, their long fins act as natural filters for the small tank. Another advantage of keeping Bettas in jars is that they can be kept near a window and get sunlight from outside regardless of whether you open or close the lid of your jar. If you are concerned about chemicals leaching into the water when you clean it with soap (which could harm your fish), use baking soda instead.
How to grow a Betta Fish in a jar?
A Betta in a jar is a viable option for anyone who doesn’t have the space or time to properly care for a fish. However, there are some important things you need to know before deciding to grow your Betta in a jar.
1) Since Bettas breathe through their gills, the water must be clean and well-oxygenated.
2) Bettas are sensitive to nitrites and ammonia. If these chemicals build-up, it can kill your Betta.
3) The water temperature should remain between 68°F and 86°F.
4) Keep the jar out of direct sunlight, as this can cause rapid fluctuations in the water temperature.
5) Bettas need an air pump that cycles water through the walls of the tank every five minutes so it doesn’t get stagnant. Finally, make sure you have rocks or plants at the bottom of your glass tank so your Betta has something to hide under if they feel threatened by anything around them.
The pros of Betta Fish care in a jar
Betta fish in a jar is an excellent option for those who would like to keep a Betta, but do not have the space for a tank. A Betta in a jar requires the same care as a Betta in a tank, but it is much easier to take care of. You can still monitor your Betta’s health and progress just as you would with any other aquarium. And, because Bettas are relatively hard to find at pet stores, they are often cheaper online than at pet shops. Finally, if you are traveling, it is possible to bring along your jar with you.
The cons of Betta Fish in a jar
Betta fish kept in a jar have fewer options than those in a tank. Bettas are very sensitive to their environment, so they require special care. In a jar, you cannot provide the same level of care as one might give to a Betta in a tank. You cannot add substrate or decor because there is not enough room for it. And the lack of space limits what you feed your Betta. For example, you cannot feed your Betta veggies like zucchini or peppers, because they would just float on top of the water and rot, polluting the water with bacteria that could harm your fish.