9 Surprising Benefits of Divorce on Children

December 26, 2022

Divorce can often feel like a devastating event, especially when there are children involved. The process can feel messy and difficult. However, it doesn’t always have to be so. The right approach to navigating divorce and its aftermath can yield surprising and positive benefits for children in the long run. 


This blog explores these potential benefits so couples with kids in broken relationships may be better informed about what steps they need to take once the decision is made to separate. If you have kids facing tough times ahead, find comfort that while it’s not an easy road, there are potential gains awaiting them.

  • Greater financial stability for children as they grow up   

Going through a messy divorce can be incredibly difficult for children, but an unintended benefit comes from it in terms of finances. With both parents contributing to their upbringing, kids usually end up with greater financial stability compared to when they lived under one roof. This could mean anything from having access to more money and resources due to the separation of costs to receiving a better-quality education to equip them for the future. 


While divorce is never an easy topic concerning children, it is important to address these issues with your spouse beforehand to save yourself from financial troubles down the road. If you’re settling these issues after the divorce, it’s better to consult a mediating firm before hiring a lawyer for a smooth and healthy settlement for the whole family. Mediating firms offer the right perspective and understanding, which can be turned into an opportunity for your family’s financial security. Visit https://winwindivorcesolutions.com/ to learn more about Win-Win Divorce Solutions.

  • Improved communication between parents 

Divorce is a difficult process for the entire family, but the impact on children can particularly be challenging. However, improved communication between parents post-divorce is one beneficial silver lining. Rather than continuing in toxic patterns of unproductive arguments or communicating through the children, parents can now experience healthier communication as they both work together to raise their child(ren). Open dialogue lets both parents stay informed about their shared responsibility and what each is doing to support their children’s growth. In many cases, an amicable relationship between divorced parents leads to better overall well-being for the entire family.

  • Increased sense of independence and self-confidence in children 

A potential benefit that can arise from the situation for kids is an increased sense of independence. As children learn to manage more individual aspects of their lives, it can lead to heightened levels of responsibility and more confidence in handling day-to-day situations. Naturally, with maturity comes an appreciation for tackling tasks one has never done before, which builds self-confidence. With more exposure to different types of individuals and problem-solving on one’s own, a child’s capacity for empathy may also increase. The result is an adult with a greater capacity for connecting with others in meaningful ways.

  • More individualized attention from each parent 

One of the biggest advantages of divorce on children is the increased individualized attention each parent can give their child. Having both parents in the house could mean they cannot provide the same level of engagement and quality time as if only one parent was present. With more individualized attention from both mom and dad comes a feeling of security and a greater appreciation for guidance – both of which are invaluable tools for children’s growth. Letters, phone calls, and face-to-face visits can help form strong relationships between parents and their children even when they live apart. This allows children to appreciate and understand each parent’s strengths regarding their parenting styles, fostering better overall outcomes for all involved.

  • Better understanding of what a healthy relationship looks like 

It can be an eye-opening experience to witness the love between parents that have become disconnected and observe how conversations unfold in more amicable post-divorce circumstances. By developing empathy, understanding, and respect, children of divorce come away with a better appreciation of what supportive, authentic relationships feel and look like than they may have had without divorce being part of their family experience. As they grow older, their enhanced awareness will likely lead to more well-rounded relationships, which can benefit them personally and professionally.

  • Lesser exposure to conflict or stress within the family unit  

Instead of feeling trapped amid parental disagreements or tense situations, children of divorce benefit from living in two less-stressful environments: their parents’ separate households. In these homes, kids can receive the support they need without fear of being subjected to discord among their parents. Although it is hard to admit, removing the children from a stressful familial atmosphere might be one silver lining associated with divorce.

  • Extended opportunity to explore new interests and hobbies without feeling guilty  

Children often feel forced to focus all their attention on family matters or attend events they’re not particularly interested in. With divorced parents, a child can experiment with different hobbies they may not have had the time or opportunity to investigate. They are then free to pursue these activities under the guidance of either parent, depending on which parent has more time or motivation for the particular activity. This flexibility gives them an extra chance to discover and hone their passions, which helps build resilience and self-esteem. A sense of achievement can be a great asset to any child, allowing them to view themselves positively in the face of big changes like divorce.

  • Enhanced ability to solve problems and think critically   

The life of children can often be full of uncertainty, but when both parents are involved in supporting them, divorce can allow them to learn how to problem solve and think critically on their own. With the help of a parenting plan between the two parents, children can acquire invaluable skills such as being responsible for their own decisions and considering potential outcomes before making any choices. This approach allows children to cultivate open-mindedness as they grow older and helps them think through situations using their judgment. In this way, divorce just might offer children the chance to build strong cognitive problem-solving skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.

  • Greater resilience in the face of adversity

Divorce can be difficult for children and families, but there is a benefit to this challenging experience—learning how to become resilient in the face of adversity. Building resilience includes learning developmental skills such as effective communication, problem-solving, self-awareness, empathy, and the ability to accept changes with hope and courage. Developing these skills will help children in the short term by allowing them to adapt to their new lives after divorce and thrive in times of change. More importantly, it will help them in the long term by providing them with valuable life lessons that foster psychological adjustment and emotional well-being. Through proper support and guidance, those facing divorce can develop beneficial coping methods that promote resilience.



Divorce can be a difficult experience for children, but with the right support system, children can find positive meanings amidst the challenging divorce experience. The best thing parents can do to support their children during a divorce is to be honest, understanding, and compassionate. They must communicate openly with each other so that the child’s needs and best interests are considered throughout the process. Above all else, it is crucial to remember that this is a difficult time, but it will pass. By providing their children with love, support, and guidance amid a divorce, parents can help them develop resiliency in the face of adversity and create positive memories to carry into adulthood. 

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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