Traditional camping seems to be an obvious vacation choice for most excited families with a tent, some cooking utensils, and the basic clothing and gear. However, there is plenty of modern tech that you can take with you that would make camping easier than it ever has been before.
While camping is quite enjoyable, it can definitely be quite risky, as you never know what is out in the wild. If you are more adventurous than most people and you would normally go deeper into the woods, there may be some risks involving insects, certain plants, or unsanitary food or water. Everyone definitely worries about those things, but some of the modern camping technology that we have developed can basically eliminate nearly all those risks and result in a generally more comfortable, easy experience.
Get these ultimate essentials and upgrade your camping experience, you will be thanking yourself later once you and your family are in the woods having a great time:
Solar Chargers
While solar power has been available for a while now, it has only evolved to become more compact and versatile since, you can power almost anything with the right solar power tool. You can buy small solar panel sets that fold into one another for easy portability and can power all sorts of devices and even small appliances like washers and cookers. This way, you can eliminate the need for bulky, heavy generators or at least minimize the need for one.
Trailer Hitches
There are many ways you can use your truck and so there are many types of trailer hitches to match. These options can be used for adding towing, storage, and other applications to suit your individual truck and driving activities. Having a trailer hitch with you allows more freedom. And what is better than freedom on the open road? Not sure which type — or even which class — you need for what you are pulling? Parts authority, AmericanTrucks has broken down all the types of trailer hitches and receivers, so you can get the job done or kick off the weekend safely and effectively. Click the link above to learn more.
Camping Swags
Bedrolls and swags are not just simple sleeping bags anymore, today’s modern swags are made of better, warmer materials and now come with extra features such as roofing, built in pillows and, thicker mattress-like bases. They are now made to basically emulate a real, comfy bed wherever you happen to be camping and are constructed of better materials compared to decades ago.
Waterproof Gadgets
If you happen to like combining your technology with the wilderness, such as listening to music out loud with the kids or just with earphones by yourself, then waterproof gadgets will be your best friend. Waterproof earphones are now becoming more and more common, and bluetooth speakers that have no fussy wires and also happen to be waterproof will be the ultimate musical family companion in the wild.
Portable Water Filters
Say goodbye to big bulky filters that you have to lug around just to get clean water. Keep a handy water filter sachet that you can simply slip into your pocket or bag and use it when you run out of clean water. You and your family should never have to worry about not having safe drinking water once some supplies run out. Be ready for any situation and keep a few of these nearby.
Recording Binoculars
If your family is the type to vividly document nearly every adventure together, then you would do well to increase the quality and scope of your videos with a pair of recording binoculars. Many tech brands have recently released high powered binoculars that can record vivid sceneries in HD and can be attached to computers and other viewing devices for your convenience.
Do not miss out on an amazingly modern camping experience and start investing in these elements to make your time fun and adventurous but comfortable and easy!