6 Ways to Help Your Child Study Better At Home

February 3, 2024

The educational landscape in the UK is experiencing a notable shift, with an increasing number of families opting for home-schooling. In 2023, it was estimated that between 125,000 to 180,000 children were being educated at home, and this number is rising significantly each year. This surge reflects a growing desire among parents to take a more hands-on approach to their children’s education, tailored to their individual needs and learning styles. However, this journey, while rewarding, comes with its unique set of challenges. Parents need to adopt effective strategies to ensure that their children not only keep pace academically but also thrive in a home-based learning environment. This article aims to explore six practical ways to enhance the home-schooling experience.

  • Creating a Conducive Learning Environment

A conducive learning environment is crucial in a home-schooling setup. This involves creating a dedicated study space that is quiet, well-lit, and free from distractions. Such an environment is conducive to concentration and helps the child to focus on their studies without unnecessary interruptions. This space should be organized and equipped with all the necessary study materials, ensuring everything the child needs is within reach.

When setting up this space, it’s important to consider ergonomics. The study area should have a comfortable chair and desk at the right height to prevent discomfort or strain. Personalizing the space with educational posters or the child’s artwork can also make it more inviting and stimulating. This positive and well-organized environment not only aids in concentration but also helps in instilling a sense of routine and seriousness toward studying.

  • Leveraging Online Educational Resources

In home-schooling, online educational resources are invaluable. Platforms like https://cambridgeonlinetutors.co.uk are revolutionizing the way home-schooled students access education. These platforms offer an extensive range of subjects taught by specialized tutors who are experts in their fields. This online resource is particularly beneficial for providing personalized learning experiences that align with a child’s pace and learning style.

The advantages of using such platforms are manifold. They offer a level of flexibility that is difficult to achieve in a traditional classroom setting. Parents can choose tutors and programs that best fit their child’s educational needs, helping to fill any gaps in their learning. Additionally, these platforms often provide interactive and engaging materials that can make learning more enjoyable and effective. With the help of these online resources, home-schooled children can receive the same quality of education as their peers in traditional schools but in a manner that is tailored specifically to them.

  • Establishing a Structured Routine

A structured routine is vital in home-schooling. It brings a sense of order and discipline to the learning process, which is essential for academic success. Establishing a consistent daily schedule with specific times for study, breaks, and leisure activities helps children manage their time effectively and develop good habits that are beneficial in the long run.

This routine should strike a balance between being structured enough to cover all necessary educational material and flexible enough to adapt to the child’s natural learning pace. It is important to include breaks to prevent burnout and keep the child motivated. These breaks could involve physical activity, which is essential for the child’s overall well-being. Additionally, parents should ensure that the routine includes time for unstructured play or leisure, as this is crucial for a child’s creative and social development. A well-planned and balanced routine in a home-schooling environment not only ensures academic learning but also contributes to the child’s overall growth and development.

  • Encouraging Active Learning Techniques

Active learning techniques are crucial in home-schooling as they engage students more deeply in the learning process. Unlike passive learning, which often involves merely listening or reading, active learning encourages students to participate, think critically, and apply their knowledge. Techniques such as problem-solving activities, experiments, discussions, and project-based learning can be extremely effective.

Incorporating these methods means moving beyond traditional textbook-based learning. For instance, science lessons can include hands-on experiments to observe principles in action. History can be taught through role-playing activities, helping children understand historical events and figures more vividly. Discussions on various topics can encourage students to articulate their thoughts and opinions, fostering critical thinking skills. This approach not only enhances understanding and retention of the material but also makes learning more enjoyable and relevant for the student.

  • Providing Regular Feedback and Support

In a home-schooling environment, providing regular feedback and support is essential. As parents take on the role of both teacher and mentor, it is important to offer constructive feedback that guides and motivates the child. This feedback should focus on the child’s efforts and strategies rather than solely on outcomes, helping to build their confidence and resilience.

Regular assessment of the child’s progress is also vital. This doesn’t necessarily mean formal testing but can be done through informal methods like discussions, quizzes, or reviewing completed assignments. These assessments can help identify areas where the child may need more support or additional resources. Encouragement and positive reinforcement are key components of this process. Celebrating achievements, no matter how small, can greatly boost a child’s morale and eagerness to learn.

Additionally, parents need to be attentive to their child’s emotional and psychological needs. Home-schooling can sometimes feel isolating for children, so parents need to ensure that their child feels supported not just academically but also socially and emotionally.

  • Promoting Social Interaction and Extracurricular Activities

While home-schooling provides a tailored educational experience, it’s essential to ensure that children also have opportunities for social interaction and engage in extracurricular activities. Social skills are an important part of a child’s overall development and are best nurtured through interaction with peers. Activities such as sports, arts, clubs, or community service can provide these social experiences.

Parents can look for local home-schooling groups where children can meet and interact with their peers. Joining sports teams, music classes, or art clubs can also provide avenues for children to explore their interests and develop new skills while also interacting with others their age. Furthermore, these activities can offer a much-needed balance to academic learning, ensuring a well-rounded development for the child.

Online forums and social media groups can also be beneficial, especially for older children. These platforms can provide a space for them to engage in discussions, share ideas, and work on collaborative projects, albeit virtually.




Effective home-schooling is a balance of academic rigor and personal development. By leveraging online educational resources, creating a conducive learning environment, establishing a structured routine, encouraging active learning, providing regular feedback, and promoting social interaction, parents can create a holistic educational experience at home. These strategies not only foster academic success but also ensure the overall growth and well-being of the child. 

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