10 Reasons Why is it Good to Hang out with Friends

March 7, 2024

Hey there, friend! Raise your hand if you sometimes get so caught up in the whirlwind of responsibilities, obligations, and endless to-do lists that you forget to think of fun things to do at home with friends. *Raises both hands sky high* Yep, been there, done that more times than I can count. But you know what? Finding places to hangout with friends or things to do with friends is honestly one of the most rewarding acts of self-care we can give ourselves. 


Finding activities to do with friends – those wonderful humans who energize you, bring you joy, and accept you exactly as you are – is pure nourishment for the mind, body, and soul. It’s easy to let those meaningful bonds fall by the wayside when life gets hectic. But in doing so, we’re depriving ourselves of so many priceless benefits that close friendships provide.


So today, let’s celebrate the incredible gift of great friendships! Here are 10 genuine reasons why it’s so amazingly good to hang out with your friends on the regular. Soak it in, then go chat with friends and give your crew some big hugs!

  1. Friends Help Ease Stress and Loneliness


Let’s face it, adulting ain’t easy! We’re all overwhelmed juggling endless to-do lists, pressures from work, family obligations, you name it. All that chronic stress takes a massive toll physically and mentally over time. But you know what’s an instant antidote? Spending quality time with your nearest and dearest! Being around your closest friends boosts your body’s feel-good hormones like oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine while lowering pesky stress hormones like cortisol. It’s like an immediate exhale for your entire system!


Loneliness is also a huge risk factor for mental health issues, cognitive decline, and even early mortality. But friends help soothe that loneliness in a profound way. When you’re surrounded by your personal village, you feel that deep sense of support and belongingness. They help remind you that you’re never alone and always have a crew in your corner.


  1. Your Friends Allow You to Be Authentically Yourself


Around your closest friends, you don’t have to censor your humor, bite your tongue, or hold back any part of your personality. These are the amazing humans who love you for your weird quirks, embarrassing habits, bizarre interests, and all! You can be loud, goofy, let your guard down fully, and trust that there’s zero judgment. Everyone needs that safe space to just be themselves without restraint. With your friends, you can shake off society’s expectations and simply revel in the joy of self-expression. You can even create cheat words with friends so that others around you do not understand what you’re discussing. Having such words with friends gives you the perfect way to discuss secrets in public.  


3: Friends Expand Your Perspectives

When you only surround yourself with people who think and act the exact same way as you do, you’re depriving yourself of opportunities for personal growth. But friends from all walks of life expose you to fresh ideas, novel experiences, and eye-opening perspectives that nudge you out of your comfort zone in the most wonderful way. Hanging out with friends who have different backgrounds, cultures, interests, and worldviews encourages you to think bigger, challenge your preconceived notions, and gain new understandings. They broaden your horizons in ways that help you evolve both intellectually and emotionally.


4: Your Friends Keep It Real

We all need that special somebody who will call us out on our BS in a heartbeat and tell us the harsh truth we may not want to hear, but absolutely need to hear it. Your friends are those gloriously real folks who will deliver that tough love and much-needed reality checks – in a spirit of looking out for your best interest, of course! These are the people who will be brutally honest if you’re being a tool, about to make a terrible mistake, or seriously lacking self-awareness. Thanks to their unfiltered candor (that’s delivered with nothing but care and support), your friends help keep you grounded, humble, and headed in the right direction.


5: Friends Strengthen Your Mental Health

Humans are wired for social connection. We need that sense of community and acceptance to truly thrive. Numerous studies have shown that strong social bonds boost psychological wellbeing while alleviating anxiety and depression. That’s because friends provide a protective barrier of love, support, and reassurance during tough times. They’re the ones who will listen without judgment as you vent about a stressful situation, lift you up when you’re feeling down, and remind you how wildly capable you are when self-doubt creeps in. These morale boosts are essential for maintaining mental strength over the long haul.


6: Friendship Benefits Physical Health, Too  

On top of supporting our psychological wellness, friendships also yield significant physical health perks! Research shows people with close friendships tend to have lower blood pressure, healthier body weight, stronger immune systems, and longer life expectancy. Much of this is attributed to the stress relief and mental/emotional support that great friends provide. But elements like boosted self-esteem, higher feelings of purpose, and having friends who motivate you to make healthier lifestyle choices all positively influence physical wellness, too. Bottom line: Friends are a crucial ingredient for holistic health.


7: Friends Help You Discover and Pursue Passions

Whether it’s that side business idea you’ve been mulling over or the dream of finally learning a new instrument, your friends’ encouragement and inspiration is often the fuel that propels you to start chasing your big goals. Through observing their own pursuits of meaning and joy, your friends reignite your inner fire to discover (or rediscover) what brings you alive, too. By witnessing each other achieving milestone after milestone through hard work and dedication, you all motivate each other in an upward spiral to embrace your authentic passions. It’s a beautiful ripple effect!


8: Friends Make Unforgettable Memories 

Some of the most treasured moments of our lives are those memory-making adventures we embark on with our best friends by our sides. It doesn’t matter if it’s a silly movie night where you have to think of what to pack for a sleepover or an epic international trip with lots of planning involved, when you share those special experiences with your favorite people, they become indelibly etched into your heart and mind forever. Sure, you’ll make plenty of great memories with romantic partners and family members too. But there’s something uniquely magical about creating hilarious insider jokes, stumbling into unexpected mishaps, and living it up on the fly with that awesome squad who just “gets” you. Those are the core memories worth cherishing!


9: Friends Hold a Special Mirror to Your Life

As the old saying goes, “Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.” Your friends are the ones who you can relate to on the deepest levels and who truly understand where you’re coming from, because they’ve likely traveled that same road themselves. Rather than just empathizing with your struggles, your friends have been there and gotten through it. Through their own journeys, they hold up that special mirror that allows you to witness your own life’s obstacles from a new vantage point – and empower you to overcome them. There’s something incredibly reassuring about knowing that bond of solidarity.


10: True Friends Are as Loyal as Family

While familial bonds are irreplaceable, friendships occupy a sacred and meaningful space in our lives, too. In many cases, our closest friends become like extended family members – only these are people who we hand-picked as our personal cheerleaders, truth-tellers, and trusted confidants. Unlike family who we don’t get to choose, we willingly open the doors to these friendships and intertwine our lives with these people by choice. We trust them deeply, lean on them fully, and place incredible value on their roles in our life journey. That level of loyal commitment, acceptance and kinship is truly unmatched.  




At the end of the day, your friends are your day ones – the amazing humans who were right there alongside you as you stumbled through every phase of life, cheering you on with unconditional love and unwavering support. These are the keepers who not only stuck by your side through thick and thin, but who you intuitively know will always be there as your biggest hype crew. Seeking out quality friend time isn’t just fun (though it is insanely fun). It’s an act of radical self-preservation. It’s how we fill our cups, nurture our inner joy, and remember that we’re not alone in this journey. 


Without a doubt, our friends shape our character, bolster our courage to chase dreams, and feed our zest for life itself. So next time you start to feel disconnected or depleted, do yourself a huge favor and hang out with your nearest and dearest as soon as you can. Recharge those irreplaceable bonds, revel in endless laughter, and let their energy revitalize you. Your friends are priceless gifts that deserve to be treated as such, always.

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