How can you protect data that is stored in the cloud?

June 17, 2024

Every organization needs to store data in some way. Storing data in the cloud offers benefits such as easy access, cost-effectiveness, and privacy. 

However, everything that has advantages also has disadvantages. The bad things about saving items in the cloud are cyber attacks and data breaches. 

It is important to ensure your data is saved and secured when stored in the cloud. Here are tips you can use to protect data stored in the cloud; 

Reliable service cloud provider

Choosing a reliable service cloud provider is the first step in protecting your data. This server must offer secure data storage, encryption, and data control. It should be able to encrypt data at the realest or in transit to ensure that it is unreadable when accessed without permission. Only authorized persons can access the data of you subscribe to Azure ECM.

Understand Security responsibility:

Knowing who is responsible for data stored in the cloud is important. Once you know it is your responsibility to take proper steps to secure your data, Customers are to maintain end-to-end responsibility as they use cloud services. For instance, Google ECM offers end-to-end security.

Use Strong Authentication

Passwords can be stolen or hacked, so it is good to use a very strong authentication method for verification. For example, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) can be used. It requires users to verify their access to the cloud using two or more factors. Some say passwordless technologies are best, but it is good to use what works for you.

Regular Backups

Backup is essential when storing data in the cloud. You can decide to do a daily, weekly, or monthly backup. Backup helps to protect against data loss and other issues. 

Implement Access Login

This helps you gain full control over your account. Access should be controlled so that users can quickly perform a task. This can help detect access that is not granted. It also helps maintain cloud activities, including when and who accessed them.

Use secure APIs

Secure APIs are necessary to secure the cloud properly because some APIs are used to attack it. Secured APIs should be used with strong authentication and end-to-end encryption to prevent unauthorized access to the cloud.

Regular security assessment

You must conduct regular assessments to secure the clouds from vulnerable access and security management. Security assessments can be conducted regularly by internal staff or an expert.

Regular Security Update

Conduct security updates regularly to update your cloud applications with the latest security updates. Patronize a platform that offers cloud content for SAP. This will ensure your backups are safe on the cloud.

Use data loss prevention

You can use data loss prevention (SLP) tools to monitor and control the data leaving your cloud. This helps prevent incidents of data leakage, whether accidentally or intentionally.


It is important to review the terms and conditions before using a cloud platform. Opt for a reliable platform so that your data can be protected in the cloud without any issues. Finally, reach out to to learn more about cloud security.

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