We want our children to be smarter and better prepared for the life ahead. We can not prepare them for the world we grew up in; that world has changed. We can not prepare them for anything we do not have full knowledge of.
If you cannot explain it to a 6-year-old, you do not fully understand it yourself. The ability to distil our education, applied knowledge, and experience to any easily consumable system is a sign of genius. You can not teach what you do not know, and academia can not provide wisdom or knowledge, only education.
Parents and educators must work as a team, with compassion and a clear plan to set our children up for success. The Ballarat Early Learning Centre facility is one of several that serve New South Wales, Queensland, and Victoria doing exactly that.
The term “early childhood development” is not new to our ears. The medical science behind this concept is well documented. The foundational brain learning years are from 0-7 years old. Their brainwave state is similar to a dream state, imagination, or deep meditation. These are alpha and theta brainwave cycles.
Providing an introduction to and instruction on as many concepts, tools, or skills as possible now is important and must be done in layers. A holistic plan will include various media forms of education, hands-on activities, exercise, individual creativity, a healthy diet, and healthy socialization.
Balance now, is balance later. My work/life balance has become heavily life-weighted. We should not do what we love for work, it destroys what we love by trading it for money. My advice for youth today would be to do what makes enough money to allow you to do what you love when not at work.
Whatever our ethos may be, we can agree that developing social skills, cooperation, and respect early renders better relationship-building skills. Long-standing and strong social networks of diverse people open doors to more options in life. I wish I knew, and implemented that much earlier in life. Social skills are greatly enhanced through early childhood education in your neighbourhood.
Become familiar with Child Care Subsidy in Australia. There are qualifying factors for application, subsidy rate calculation, and approval. With any government program expect long processing. Apply early with all documents prepared for the best outcome.
We have to identify which certified provider we will use and verify that the government recognizes them. How many hours parents or caregivers engage in work, volunteering, or study will change subsidy access. There is a subsidy rate calculator at the link above.
You can become fully informed on all options available to provide the best start for your children. These programs are where tax dollars work the best.
Create a brighter future with and for our legacy today and every day.