Different Types of Solar Panels- All You Need To Know

September 11, 2024

Are you also interested in installing solar panels at your home or business? It will be the best decision ever for your property! It offers long-term benefits and saves the cost you spend on external power grids. The best part is that they are manufactured in various types with varying efficiency rates.

If you are unaware of the types of solar panels, this guide is for you! You can also check a guide on best Solar Panels in 2024. Either way, spare a few minutes and dig deep into the details because renewable energy sources are not less than a blessing for us! 

What are the Benefits Of Solar Panels?

They are used to convert sunlight into electricity. It is a clean and renewable energy source that homeowners and business owners prefer due to its following benefits: 

  • Solar panels provide energy, and people can reduce their reliance on external power grids. They offer long-term benefits and can reduce the high cost of electricity bills. 
  • With solar panels, the carbon footprint is not an issue anymore because they reduce greenhouse gas emissions largely. 
  • Solar panel installation is compatible from rooftops to solar farms because they have a modular design which can expand its capacity based on energy needs.
  • They are suitable for various weather conditions and especially those come with 20 to 25 years of warranty.
  • They require minimal maintenance with low operational costs. All you need to do is clean them occasionally with proper instructions.

Quick Note: For solar panel installation Edinburgh, you can hire professionals like Renew-Able Solutions! 

Monocrystalline Solar Panels (Mono-SI)

Monocrystalline solar panels are made using the Czochralski method, which means a single crystal of silicon is grown and then sliced into wafers. It is a single and continuous crystal structure. They have rounded edges and are dark in color.

This type of solar panels offer high-efficiency rates of around 17% to 22%. They are best for limited space and where high energy output is necessary. The longevity of Monocrystalline panels is up to 25 years because they are durable enough. For that reason, they are high in price.

They are ideal where light is low, which is best for cloudy weather areas. These are perfect for residential and commercial applications where space is limited. Their long lifespan and high performance also make them suitable for solar installations in places with limited roof space.

Polycrystalline Solar Panels (Poly-SI)

They are not like the above type. Rather, they are made up of multiple silicon crystals. When they melt together, they form a less efficient structure than monocrystalline.

Their production process is not so complex. They offer an efficiency rate of around 15% to 17%, which is lower than monocrystalline panels but still best for many applications. They are also affordable and useful for budgeted pockets.

These panels are blue and have low heat tolerance, it means their performance may drop more in extremely high temperatures. They are ideal for large installations where space isn’t a significant concern, and the priority is cost-effectiveness. 

Thin-Film Solar Panels (TFSC)

Thin-film solar panels are made from various materials, including cadmium telluride (CdTe) and amorphous silicon (a-Si). These incredibly flexible and lightweight panels make them unique from their crystalline silicon counterparts. If we talk about the efficiency rate, then it is between 10% and 12%.

However, newer versions are improving, and some can reach as high as 13%. These panels are thinner and more flexible than crystalline silicon panels. Many applications are compatible with this type. Thin-film panels are cost-effective in production, and lower efficiency means more panels are needed to generate the same amount of power.

They are suitable in high-temperature conditions compared to crystalline panels. Thin-film panels are suitable for environments where flexibility and low weight are priorities, such as RVs, boats, or irregularly shaped structures. They also work best on rooftops.

Ending Note

It is important to know about the solar panel types. After all, you have to make an informed decision for your property. It is up to you whether you want high efficiency at a high cost with Monocrystalline panels or a balanced option with polycrystalline panels. It also depends on the purpose and usage.

Thin-film panels are less efficient but offer great flexibility and versatility for unconventional spaces. I hope now you understand everything in detail. Ask anything freely in the comment section! 



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