Common Mistakes Expats Make When Moving Abroad (and How to Avoid Them)

October 3, 2024

Moving from Mexico to the US or any other country is a big step. It is exciting, but plenty of things can go wrong if you are not careful. Many people fall into the same traps when they first move to another country, and some of these mistakes can turn a dream move into a stressful experience. 

Let’s look at some of the most common mistakes expats make when living abroad in the USA and, more importantly, how to avoid them.

Skipping the Visa Details

One of the easiest mistakes when moving abroad is getting all the visa information right. This is a huge one for people moving from Mexico to the US, as the visa process can be pretty complicated. You cannot just show up and start working. There are strict rules. International Citizens Group further explains the process of moving to Mexico from the US. 

For example, some people think they can go to the US on a tourist visa and look for a job. That is a recipe for disaster. You could get kicked out and even banned from returning. To avoid this mess, ensure you know exactly what visa you need, whether a work visa, student visa, or something else. Do not assume; double-check all the details.

Misjudging the Cost of Living

Another mistake is underestimating how expensive life in the US can be. Living abroad in the USA often costs more than people expect. For example, it may cost more than the cost of living in Mexico. Housing, food, and even healthcare can add up fast.

Take cities like Los Angeles or New York, for example. Rent alone can make you want to cry. You might find yourself thinking, “How do people afford this?” The truth is, many struggle. That is why it is wise to create a budget before you move. It will save you a lot of stress in the long run. Look up rent, food, and transportation prices in the area you plan to live in so that you do not get caught off guard.

Ignoring Cultural Differences

Cultural differences are often overlooked. Sure, Mexico and the US are neighbors, but life can be pretty different on the other side of the border. Whether it is how people communicate, work hours, or interact socially, it can feel like stepping into a whole new world. Be kind to yourself as you make the adjustment as it won’t happen overnight. 

For instance, if you are used to Mexico’s relaxed attitude toward time, you might be in for a shock. Being late to a meeting is a big deal in the US and can make you look unprofessional. Or, while siestas are a beloved tradition in Mexico, good luck finding anyone in the US taking a mid-day break! 

Do a little research on these cultural differences ahead of time, and you will avoid any awkward situations.

Skimping on Learning English

Even if you move to an area in the US where there are a lot of Spanish speakers, not knowing English can still make life more challenging. A lot of people think they can get by without it, but the truth is, that English is used in most workplaces, schools, and even medical facilities. It is a mistake to assume you will not need it.

Before moving, take some time to brush up on your Spanish. Whether it is through online courses, apps, or even practicing with friends, having a basic understanding will make your life much easier. Plus, it helps you feel more independent and confident as you settle into your new surroundings.

Not Getting Health Insurance

Remember health insurance. This is a huge one. Healthcare in the US is not like it is in Mexico, where it is often more affordable. A simple doctor’s visit in the US can cost hundreds of dollars if you do not have insurance. If you do not prepare for this, you could end up with massive medical bills you were not expecting.


Moving abroad, from another country to the US, is an exciting but challenging experience. It’s up to you to plan accordingly and not make common mistakes that will detract from your experience. By carefully considering everything, you can avoid expats’ most common mistakes.

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