
My First Mother’s Day

May 17, 2015
There are simply no words to describe how I felt on my first Mother's Day, other than to say it was one of the best days of my life. I was so emotional that my family kept joking that I must be pregnant again! I just never knew how badly...

Family Photo Shoot

May 10, 2015
Every single mother I know had warned me that photo shoots with babies never go as planned. I, of course, decided not to listen to them, because Joaquín is always smiling and laughing. However, sure enough, the second our photographer turned the camera on him he began to cry and...

Joaquín’s First Day Trip

May 3, 2015
When I discovered that I was pregnant, my immediate intention was to travel with Joaquín as soon as possible and as often as possible. Once I had him though, my desire went away as quickly as it had originally came. I was overwhelmed with the idea of how much is truly...

Joaquín’s Three Month Update

April 19, 2015
Joaquín turned three months old on April 5th and I still simply cannot believe it! Time has flown by, however it feels as though he has been with us forever. Our lives have changed dramatically since having him, but he fits into them so perfectly that it feels very natural to have him with us. Motherhood by...

La Abuela’s Arrival

March 22, 2015
Most Americans take for granted the ease at which they can travel the world. Very few countries require a visa and those that do make it simple to obtain. I was one of those unaware Americans, until I met my Argentinean husband, Lucas. As if thousands of miles between us were not...