
Eight Weeks With Joaquín

March 2, 2015
One piece of advice that I have heard over and over again regarding being a Mother is to enjoy every moment you can -- even the crying spells and sleepless nights -- because time flies by quickly with babies. As I write this post, I can hardly believe that my...

Joaquín’s Newborn Photo Shoot (Part 3)

February 26, 2015
From a young age I learned that a person's beauty is both external and internal. I have tried very hard throughout my life to never judge someone based on their appearance, including myself. I thought I had a healthy self esteem, that is until I got pregnant. I was prepared mentally...

Joaquín’s Newborn Photo Shoot (Part 2)

February 23, 2015
There was no way I was going to be able to do Joaquín's newborn shoot without including something to do with travel in it, as I have no doubt that my little prince will one day be a jetsetter like his Mom. My husband, Lucas, and I found the vintage luggage...

Joaquín’s Newborn Photo Shoot (Part 1)

February 19, 2015
It is no secret that I am completely and utterly obsessed with my son. I had always heard that there are no words to describe the love you will feel for your children, but still I had no idea just how deep and profound that love truly is until the moment...

Joaquín’s Nursery

February 15, 2015
I never imagined my son would be born a month early, which is why Joaquín's nursery was almost not ready for his unexpected arrival. The weekend before I went on bedrest, I intuitively knew that I was getting sick and I had a strong feeling that we had to finish it immediately. My...