
Six Easy Ways To Encourage Children To Be More Active

Active Kids
September 27, 2021
You might be surprised to learn that just approximately one in every four children gets the necessary 60 minutes of physical activity per day. In general, as a child's age and school grade increase, so does their participation in all sorts of physical activity. Physical activity should be a regular...

Everything You Should Know About Divorce

September 22, 2021
Once you decide to end your marriage, there can be a lot of changes in your life. Think about this, you have to make new parenting schedules, living arrangements, and even make crucial decisions about money and property. Remember that the stress and emotions that are caused by divorce process...

Six Simple Tips To Get Your Children Ready For Moving Day

September 10, 2021
Leaving your old home and settling into a new one is difficult no matter the circumstances. But if you have children, everything becomes twice as complicated. Kids may have a harder time accepting that you are moving, as they may not entirely understand why it’s necessary. On top of that,...

Ten Tips To Teach Your Kids Smart Money Habits

September 6, 2021
As a parent, you only desire the best for your kids. This has nothing to do with having the latest gadgets or having up-market clothes. Most likely, it has to do with helping them stay safe and secure. You can do this by laying a strong foundation to help them...

These Chemicals Are Toxic To Your Kids

August 31, 2021
There is growing interest in the possible health threat posed by some chemicals, which are substances in our environment, food, and consumer products that interfere with hormone biosynthesis, metabolism, or action resulting in a deviation from normal homeostatic control or reproduction. Those chemicals are none other than endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs)....