
Five Habits That Will Actually Improve Your Stomach Fitness

January 24, 2019
Many obese people wish that they are blessed with a wizard’s wand, with magical properties, to improve their stomach fitness. There are no shortcuts to keep your stomach in an ideal condition. Keeping your stomach fit requires commitment, perseverance, and substantial efforts. When your abdominal fats are intoned condition, your...

Reasons To Convert Word DOC To PDF

January 24, 2019
Are you looking for a compatible converter online to help you with converting word files into PDF files? Have you experimented with paid as well as free file converter to convert files but, it did not do you any good? Try using an online PDF editor to convert as many...

Seven Facts You Should Know About Asbestos And How It Affects Your Health

January 23, 2019
The dangers of asbestos have become increasingly clear over the past couple of decades, including the negative impact that it can have on your overall health. The primary health effects of exposure to asbestos are lung cancer, asbestosis, and mesothelioma. In the 1970s, asbestos was widely used in many products, but...

Seven Overlooked Effects Of Drinking Contaminated Water

January 23, 2019
If you have been following the news over the past couple of years, you will no doubt be familiar with the situation going on in Flint, MI. The city of Flint has been absolutely besieged by issues relating to their drinking water. The genesis of the issue in Flint goes back...

The Sunday Scaries, Grief, and Holiday Depression: A Licensed Mental Health Counselor Answers Your Questions

January 19, 2019
Everyday life can be a challenge, so sometimes you need to call in an expert. Justin Baksh, LMHC, LPC, MCAP and Chief Clinical Officer at Foundations Wellness Center answers your mental health questions.  Q: Every Sunday I wake up with dread. Why? Because the next day is Monday and I have...