
Giveaway: Personal Planner

July 9, 2015
It is no secret that I am utterly obsessed with my Personal Planner. I have been using this daily organizer for three years now and I cannot imagine using another one to keep track of my busy life. The planner is fully customizable, so for people who love to plan this is a dream-come-true!...

Currently | 07.05.15

July 5, 2015
Watching | Devious Maids and Mistresses  > Now that Joaquín goes to bed at 8PM, I can resume watching my guilty pleasures on TV every once in a while and these are two of my favorite Summer programs. Reading | Blogs > I have not had time to sit down and read...

Tips For How To Get A Whiter Smile

June 11, 2015
There is nothing more welcoming than a nice big smile and if you have sparkling white teeth then all the better! The problem is that few people have beautiful white teeth to help illuminate that smile. While young children usually have very white teeth, this is not usually the case...

Things To Consider When Choosing The Right Photographer

June 11, 2015
There are a number of times in life where you will have a need to get pictures taken to record certain events. The only way you will be able to get the right results from your photography is by finding the right professional in your area. Usually, you will have...

Review: Reed’s Ginger Products

June 8, 2015
I usually never talk about Chinese Medicine on My Beautiful Adventures, however it would be impossible for me not to in my review of Reed's ginger products, as ginger is one of the most important Chinese herbs that an Acupuncturist can prescribe to a patient. We refer to it as gan jiang and...