A Look At Video Production For Small Businesses

When it comes to promoting your business, videos can be very effective in doing so. The reason for this is, because video is quickly becoming the most preferred medium for most people since YouTube is on the verge of overtaking Google and social media. As a result, it is essential that video production for small businesses becomes an integral part of the marketing strategy to ensure business goals are achieved. In this article, we at Vebu Video Production we take a closer look at a few reasons why small businesses need video as well as a few ways that they can actually use video.
To start with, we will look at why video production for small businesses is needed. You may need to shift around your marketing budget to make this possible, but it is a necessary change if you want to adapt to the needs of modern society.
Get Video On YouTube
If you were not aware of it, YouTube is currently the second most popular search engine that is second only to Google. As a result, if you want to be where your potential customers are searching, you need to be on YouTube. This is a great opportunity to create a channel that features your business with educational style videos that shows the processes involved in your particular business.
Video gets you Better SEO Results With Your Website
When you add your own YouTube videos to your website, this can have a positive effect on your organic rankings in Google and other search engines. As a result of higher rankings, you will get more people visiting your business’s website which will likely result in more sales or people entering your sales funnel.
Help People To Understand Your Product
If you have a particularly complex product, then it may be difficult to fully explain it on your business website’s home page. However, you can use video to explain your company’s product or services to a much better degree and it has been shown that customers understanding increases by as much as 74% when they watch a video as oppose to reading text. So, in the event that you don’t have a video explaining your business and your actual products, then this is definitely a video you’ll want to make as soon as possible. The more consumers actually understand, the more likely they are to buy.
Improve Your CTR On Your Emails
According to various studies, emails that include the word, “video” in the subject line have between 7 to 13% increased open rates in comparison to emails that don’t include that word. So, this shows that if you include a video in your emails, you will get more people opening your emails and interacting with your business. However, as you may know, you can’t embed a video in an email. However, you can include a splash image of the video with a link to it.

Increase Brand Recognition
When people watch a video of your business, this automatically increases brand recognition because there is visual and audio stimulation. This causes a greater amount of activation in the brain and the viewers naturally become more engaged. As a result, people will naturally be more interested in your business which will lead to more loyal customers that keep returning to do more business with you.
Increases Conversions And Purchases
According to studies, web pages that have a video covert at 4.8% and those that only covert at 2.9% on average. As a result, once you start adding video to your sales pages, you will automatically sell more products and increase your profits. Also, in another study, 40% of consumers say that videos increase their chances of buying and 64% of website visitors are more likely to purchase on a retail site after they have watched a video. The evidence clearly shows that videos will benefit your bottom line.
Now that we have covered a few ways that video production for small businesses can help your company, we will now look at a few ways that video can be used.
Introduce Yourself And Business
Videos make it possible to explain a great deal of information in a short amount of time due to their simultaneous visual and auditory nature. As a result, you can use video on your home page to explain who you are and what your business is all about in less than a minute and a half. A short video is much more effective than paragraphs of text, explaining the same thing.
Offer Third Party Proof Or Testimonials
One of the best ways to win over new customers is to show your current customers on camera who absolutely love your business and its products. Video testimonials are a lot more believable than text based ones and they can help get a potential customer to buy.
Educate Your Audience
Now, this depends on the niche of your business, but if you are in a highly technical space, then you can use videos to educate your audience. This is actually a fantastic way to position your business as a leader in its niche and ensure that customers come to you as oppose to your competitors.
Highlight Your Company Culture
You can use video to create culture content which is basically content that showcases who you are as a business. Buyers actually do care about what a business is like and this is even more true for small businesses. People generally buy from other people that they like, so by doing video shots of you and your staff, this can help you to get more customers.
Thank Your Customers
Lastly, you can use video to thank your customers and make them feel loved and cared for. This will increase your customer loyalty and ensure that your customers know they are highly appreciated and valued. These videos don’t need to have a high production value and can be done with a simple smartphone camera.

In closing, we have just looked at video production for small businesses and why you should start using video in your business. It will definitely help you to increase your customer base and make your company more successful.