
Brasil: Day 10

April 13, 2010
Over the years I have had extremely frustrating moments while traveling.  To be honest, I let some of them consume me enough to ruin a trip or two.  The more I traveled though, the more I realized that I needed to stop fighting things that were out of my control...

Brasil: Day 9

April 11, 2010
While I awoke not believing that I was actually leaving Brasil and every part of my mind, body, and soul wanted to stay, I refused to let my feelings of sadness ruin my last day.  I was unbelievably blessed after all, since Alberto had invited me on a four hour...

Brasil: Day 8 (Part 5)

April 2, 2010
The ride back to the eco-lodge was about two hours, which I was delighted about, because I love being on the water and it afforded me time to reflect on my Brasilian journey.  Tomorrow I would be returning back to the States and I was not ready to leave.  How...

Planning India

March 31, 2010
In a couple of hours I will board my flight to JFK, which is where I will board another flight that will take me to India. As I write this post my heart is aflutter. India has been #1 on my "dream destination list" for over a decade, so this...

Brasil: Day 8 (Part 4)

March 29, 2010
Just as we were leaving the "magical creature port," it suddenly began to rain. I was worried that our surprise last stop of the day would be canceled, however like most tropical rain showers it was over before it even really started. The next thing I knew we were on...