
India: Day 5 (Part 5)

June 26, 2010
With a door as intriguing as this, does it not just beckon you to walk through it?  Of course, something as equally intriguing must be waiting on the other side. I would say my assumption was pretty accurate! And what about this door, what could possibly be behind it? If...

India: Day 5 (Part 4)

June 23, 2010
You did not think I was really done with elephant pictures now did you??? After I gave my elephant a big hug on the trunk goodbye, I set off to explore the Amber Fort. After walking up the stairs I was afforded with an indescribable view.  Maybe some photos and...

India: Day 5 (Part 3)

June 20, 2010
I love my little red Toyota Prius.  In my opinion it is quite a sexy car!  However, I think if I had the option of riding around in it or being taken around town on the back of an elephant I would choose the latter in a heartbeat. The name...

India: Day 5 (Part 2)

June 17, 2010
I must preface this post with admitting that I had no idea what to expect regarding the Amber Fort and to be honest my mind was completely focused on the elephant ride that I would soon be taking.  To my surprise, the Amber Fort was mindblowingly gorgeous!  The normal adjectives...

India: Day 5 (Part 1)

June 7, 2010
Because I love the necklace that I purchased the day before sooo much, I am going to dedicate this post to it.  For your information, it is twelve strands of multi-colored tourmaline.  You will definitely see more of it over the rest of my India posts! [caption id="attachment_850" align="aligncenter" width="508"]...