Tag Archives: boredom

Teenagers are turning to marijuana to deal with boredom and loneliness!

November 3, 2022
[caption id="attachment_69113" align="alignnone" width="700"] marijuana[/caption] Like alcohol, marijuana is a drug typically used and enjoyed by teenagers. With a community that promotes pro-legalization, teenagers are receiving a lot of messages regarding marijuana. Is it a safe drug? How is it related to the medical world? What effect will it have...

How To Stop Kids Getting Bored During Self-Isolation

April 17, 2020
Many families are facing big changes with kids being at home during COVID-19. Keeping kids entertained all day everyday is a massive task and full time parenting can be exhausting. Kids have so much energy and you will need to find ways to make time fly for them. If kids...

What To Do When You Are Feeling Bored

January 3, 2018
Boredom strikes us all at some point. You are going through life just fine, when all of a sudden you are hit with a feeling of dread. You realize you are bored and do not know what to do with yourself. It is going to happen once in a while,...