Tag Archives: family

Joaquín’s First Trip (Day 1: Part 2)

Joaquín Alejandro Ledesma
October 21, 2016
Joaquín's first day of his first trip could not have gone better. You can read more about it here. I believe it went so well due to several reasons that I would love to share with others with hope that it might inspire parents to travel with their children too. Why do I...

Planning A Destination Family Reunion

October 21, 2016
There is nothing like gathering with family! Especially the ones that we do not get to see as often as we would like. Families today can be spread across the globe and people are busier than ever. Setting aside time for laughing, reminiscing, and catching-up is priceless. More and more families are...

Ways To Lower Your Family’s Monthly Expenses

October 18, 2016
Are you finding it difficult to afford your monthly expenses, because prices have gone up or you are paying more for things like insurance and cell phone service? Then it is time to take the necessary steps to lower your monthly expenses without having to affect your quality of life....

SoundBub By WavHello: A Mom-Hack That I Love

October 10, 2016
I have made music a huge part of Joaquín's life since the moment he was born. I could tell from a very early age that he really enjoyed it and it brought a lot of happiness into his life. Thus, when I heard about a product that combined music with...

Motherhood: How To Enjoy Being Involved In Your Children’s Lives

September 21, 2016
Being a mother is a fulfilling experience that can also be quite challenging. Regardless of what your children’s ages are, motherhood is an ongoing job. In order for you to be able to enjoy this role, your children need to feel loved and appreciated, as you teach them about the...