Mexico: Day 2 (Part 3)

April 14, 2011

Our next adventure was the complete opposite of the adrenaline-pumping one we had just completed.  We were going to explore the jungle by foot now.

Of course, this jungle was not the most popular one in the world, but it definitely had its charm.

Like all jungles though, it definitely had a mysterious nature about it.  What would we find once we entered?

My favorite moment of the day was when we took a minute to simply enjoy the sounds of our surroundings.  It reminded me of the time I was floating down the Amazon underneath a sea of stars with a choir of animals serenading me.  As travelers our energy tends to be “up in the air” and we need experiences like this to ground us.

On our way out of the jungle we were given a parting gift, something that expressed exactly what I was feeling. . .

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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47 thoughts on “Mexico: Day 2 (Part 3)

  1. Jorge

    Love it! Is that a heart-shape in the tree trunk of the last photo? LOL I may be imagining things now! Come back to swim with whale sharks!!

  2. Roxanne

    The heart tree trunk is my favorite image. I love the everpresence of hearts in the jungle. I went on a jungle safari in Colombia and walked through the jungle in Guatemala as well and both experiences left me impressed at all the heart imagery in nature. These photos are vibrant and they tell a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing them.

    1. Andi Perullo Post author

      What an awesome comment that I can so relate to. Thank you!!! I was already on a high walking through the jungle, but once I saw the heart tree trunk I seriously was without words (thank goodness for having a camera)!!!

    1. Andi Perullo Post author

      I love the water lines too! I 1st saw that when I was in the Amazon, I have never seen water lines on trees before!!! For these pics it was a Nikon point & shoot, but I have since upgraded to a Canon 30D. Yay!!!

  3. Andrea

    Love the jungle sounds. Was just looking back at your Amazon post because I SO want to go there in Brazil. Many people think Carnival when they think of Brazil, but I totally think Amazon jungle. So jealous that you’ve been there! I had no idea that Mexico had jungles like this.

    1. Andi Perullo Post author

      You MUST go there!!! Seriously, it will change your life. I know that Kyle Hepp will 100% agree with me on that. Please tell me you and J will make it there!

  4. Krista

    Oh Andi, your photos are stunning! The light playing off the brilliant green ferns is just fabulous. 🙂 And I love the sounds in the video. How soothing. 🙂

  5. Kyle

    When I was in the Amazon, the giant lily pads almost made me cry. Something about them was so beautiful and so simple and probably so tied to my childhood with that story about the princess who lives on a lily pad…hmm, can’t remember what it’s called but I swear I’m not making it up.

    Anyways, your photos are beautiful and really convey the sense of peace that one feels in the jungle.

    1. Andi Perullo Post author

      Haha, I loved this comment! The giant lily pads really touched my heart too. I keep telling people that visiting the Amazon is a traveler’s must and if they don’t believe me they can ask Kyle. 😉

      Thanks for your kind words re: my photos!!! I had the best time photographing nature that day.

  6. Ceri

    So beautiful. Oh, it sounds like such a wonderful trip, Andi.

    Question – Does Lucas like travelling as much as you? Just wondered what you guys are gonna do once you’re married. Are you going to go on excursions together now or still take individual trips? 🙂

    1. Andi Perullo Post author

      The question re: Lucas has a really LONG answer to it. Its probably best discussed over a bottle of wine haha. But, I don’t think he has quite as of an intense wanderlust as I, however he does love traveling. We’ll travel together AND I’ll take solo trips. I very much doubt he’d ever travel solo unless it was to Argie to see his family if I couldn’t make it.


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