The Different Competition Levels For Men’s Basketball Recruitment

March 17, 2017

With March Madness on the minds of college basketball players, coaches, and fans, many high school basketball training for players have visions of being seen by millions around the country on television while they compete to win their divisional games, and ultimately, the championship.

If you are a male and you currently play high school basketball, you may have dreams of taking your skills to the college level. If so, there are some important things that you need to know about the recruitment process for men’s basketball.

The first thing to understand is there are certain schools where every basketball player wants to live out his hoop dreams. These schools, in no particular order are: Duke, UCLA, UNC, or another elite university. Unfortunately, there are always more guys who are interested than slots available. However, all universities with basketball programs offer different levels of competition. Even with an Athletes USA scholarship in tow, you can have the chance to play at the next level and enter one of the several competition levels.

NCAA – Division I

The colleges and universities in Division I are considered the cream of the crop. This is where the best coaches and the best and probably biggest players are. It is typically not a problem for schools in this Division to recruit players for their basketball programs. Instead, these schools sometimes have a problem trying to convince the best and most talented high school players in the country to play for them instead of a competing school.

NCAA – Division II

Even at this level, the high school players who play for these universities are very talented. Although many of these players have the same level of talent and skill, they are usually physically smaller than their counterparts in Division I.

NAIA – Division I and II

The players in both Division I and Division II of the NAIA are comparable to players who are competing at the NCAA Division I level. However, some of the smaller schools in this division have players who are comparable to Division III players in the NCAA.

NCCAA – Division I and II

NCCAA stands for National Christian College Athletic Association. The players in this division are as varied as the schools, and their talents generally range from Division II to Division III talent in the NCAA.

NCAA – Division III

There are many of the smaller universities and colleges around the country that compete at this level in the NCAA. Although the players who are recruited for these schools are not eligible for scholarships, these players are talented. Just take some time during March Madness and watch a NCAA Division III game and you will see the level of talent for yourself. These players are eligible for other types of financial aid.

As you can see, there are lots of opportunities for male high school basketball players who want to play at the college level. It is best not to get too attached to one Division and accept any door of opportunity that is open to you. Athletic college placement services are available to assist you in exploring a variety of options available, increasing your chances of finding the perfect fit for your skills and aspirations.

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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