Maria & Jon’s Wedding (Part 1)

April 22, 2011

Almost six years ago on the exact same day two soul mates entered my life.  If I had not met one, I would not have met the other.  Talk about winning the synchronistic jackpot!

The story begins with me in Buenos Aires, Argentina.  It was my first time in South America and from the moment I stepped off the plane I was immediately enchanted by the seductively gorgeous city.  On the second evening of the trip, my girlfriend that I was traveling with suggested we check out a particular dance club.  During the elevator ride to the lobby we began a conversation with two other American women.  Instantly we felt a connection and they suggested we join them instead.  Thus, our plans were abandoned and we followed our new friends Maria and Lorena.

As we walked into the dance club that they had chosen, I instantly spotted a man amongst the crowd that took my breath away.  I grabbed Maria’s arm and whispered to her, “He is the most beautiful man I have ever laid eyes on.”  That man must have also liked what he saw, because five minutes later he was standing next to me with a glass of champagne.  For the next couple of hours we flirted through Spanglish.  When it was time to leave we exchanged information and promised to see each other before I left Argentina.  It took my friends and I awhile to reach the exit of the dance club and just as we were leaving I felt a tap on my shoulder.  I turned around and the sexy gentleman that I had been talking to proceeded to give me a passionate Hollywood-like kiss.  After our lips parted he whispered into my ear, “I would have regretted that the rest of my life if I had not kissed you.”  I floated blissfully into the taxi and Maria looked me straight in the eyes and said, “If you do not marry that man I will kill you.”

Well, I am marrying that man in less than a month and not only that, Maria and I remained the best of friends!  We returned to Argentina together a year later and then Spain the following year.

As fate would have it, we are getting married within a month of each other.  My present to her and her husband was to photograph their wedding.  It was my first time shooting a wedding, however with a woman as beautiful as Maria and a setting as beautiful as Key Largo, Florida it was impossible to take a bad photo.

Maria & Jon's Wedding
Maria & Jon's Wedding
Maria & Jon's Wedding
Maria & Jon's Wedding
Maria & Jon's Wedding
Maria & Jon's Wedding
Maria & Jon's Wedding
Maria & Jon's Wedding
Maria & Jon's Wedding
Maria & Jon's Wedding
Maria & Jon's Wedding
Maria & Jon's Wedding
Maria & Jon's Wedding

More pictures to come soon. . .

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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50 thoughts on “Maria & Jon’s Wedding (Part 1)

  1. Roxanne

    So much love in this post! I love the photo of the ring on a teeny tiny baby toe. And, because I am a girl, I also love the detailing on the strap of your dress. Beauty, all around.

    1. Andi Perullo Post author

      Thank you! The best are yet to come!!! And you know me, why stop at 2 careers when you can have 3 or 4? My Dad said to me last night that I need to break into fashion next hahaha. ♥

  2. Andrea

    Wow – Andi – I’m so impressed! These photos are awesome. You could have like ten different careers if you wanted to =) And I loved reading the story of how you met Lucas; so romantic

    1. Andi Perullo Post author

      THANK YOU!!! My favorite photos of the wedding are in the next post. Can’t wait to share them. Haha what can I say? I get bored if I’m not doing 100 things at one time. <3

  3. Kyle

    ANDI!!!!!!!!! I am SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Your friends are lucky to have you. I’ve always said you have a great eye and you proved me right, yet again. The photo of Maria on the balcony with the shadows is gorgeous. Seriously.

    And I should also add that I LOVE Maria’s dress. She made a beautiful bride!

    Again, I’m so proud of you!!!! GREAT job!

    1. Andi Perullo Post author

      Awww, I was SO nervous to see what comment you would leave, but I KNEW that you were going to love the shadow picture!!! When I took it I seriously thought oh this SUCH a Kyle shot! I can’t wait for you to see the next set of pictures, because those are the ones I’m most proud of. Thanks from the bottom of my heart for your encouraging and super thoughtful words. Maria’s dress was STUNNING! She couldn’t have found a more perfect dress for her. I told her she needs to dye it red and wear it to my wedding haha. TQM

  4. Julia

    Hang on – ‘our’ father was giving you career advice and I wasn’t included in the conversation???!!!! *sobs* 😉
    I love the story about how you and Lucas met. Now I understand your love for the Latinos! Haha x

  5. Emily

    Andi, these pictures are amazing! Maria and Jon are so lucky to have had you shooting their wedding – you would never know from these that it was your first time. That picture of Madeleine is my favorite too, what a cutie.

    1. Andi Perullo Post author

      THANKS BABE!!! Eeeeek, all of these awesome comments have totally rocked my world! I was nervous for weeks leading up to their wedding, but I’m happy with the way most of the shots came out. Can’t wait to share the rest of the them. Getting Madeleine to smile was the hardest thing in the world LOL.

    1. Andi Perullo Post author

      Haha, it’s definitely a great backup plan! 😉 Thanks so much for your kind words, but I definitely am no wedding photographer!!! First I’d need to get more lenses and a better flash AND I’d need editing software. But, I had the BEST time shooting it! Would love love love to shoot another one.

  6. Krista

    I just love your stories, Andi! No wonder you named your blog beautiful adventures. 🙂 So romantic and wonderful. You did a fabulous job on the wedding photos! Love the one of the ring on her toe. So cute. 🙂

    1. Andi Perullo Post author

      What an awesome comment, thank you sweetie!!! I know that not all adventures are fun or glamorous, but to me an adventure is something that at the end you have learned something from and to me that is beautiful! I’m glad that my story touched you and I’m so appreciative of your kind words regarding my pics. <3

    1. Andi Perullo Post author

      Haha I didn’t know that I could shoot or that I would love shooting weddings either!!! I’m nowhere near good enough to consider myself a wedding photographer, but I sure would LOVE to shoot another one!

  7. kay*

    “After our lips parted he whispered into my ear, “I would have regretted that the rest of my life if I had not kissed you.”

    Ummm….I’ll have what you’re having thankyouverymuch.


  8. Ceri

    Those pictures are stunning and I absolutely *love* her dress. She looks absolutely gorgeous.

    That picture of their little girl with the ring on her toe – so precious!

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