Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina: Kayak Champagne & Sunset Tour

November 8, 2011

Even though I lived in Charleston for three years, I never once kayaked while I was there.  Thus, when the Wild Dunes Resort booked us for a “Champagne and Sunset tour” as part of our romantic Southern getaway, my husband and I could not have been more excited for our adventure on Shem Creek.


We crossed the bridge from Isle of Palms into Mt. Pleasant where we met our tour operator at Nature Adventures Outfitters.  I debated before getting into the kayak whether or not to bring my camera or iPhone and decided to not take the chance and brought the latter.  Thus, all of the following photos were taken using the app


Our paddle down historic Shem Creek began amongst shrimp boats and festive restaurants.  Happy Hour was just beginning and the locals greeted us with friendly waves as we floated by.

We then journeyed (well, my husband paddled, while I took the photos) out to a twenty-two acre island preserve named Crab Bank, which is home to thousands of nesting shorebirds.

Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina

As the sun began to set we stopped at another nearby island, one that was not protected, so that we could celebrate the end of our day with some champagne.

Is there anything more beautiful than the sun changing a myriad of colors right before your eyes while you are sipping champagne next to your loved one and the sound of the ocean provides a romantic soundtrack?

The best part of the tour was when the dolphins would swim right up next to our kayak.  Our hearts would beat with absolute delight being so close to them!  I highly recommend this tour if you should find yourself in this part of the world.

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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72 thoughts on “Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina: Kayak Champagne & Sunset Tour

  1. Pingback: Terry

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  3. Susan

    Sounds so fun. There’s so many things I’ve never done in Boston either even though I live here. You can explore even when you don’t go away!

  4. Kyle

    Champagne and Sunset tour?! That sounds like it was made for you 🙂 Wish I could’ve been there…well I wouldn’t have wanted to interrupt a magical evening but you know I always love to share a bottle of champagne with you! And your pics are awesome with the iPhone…just goes to show that it’s the eye, not the equipment that makes a great photo.

    1. Andi Perullo Post author

      We would have LOVED for you and Seba to have joined us!!! That would have been sooo much fun and I would have let you take the professional photos! I’m quite addicted to the iPhone now, looooooving it!

  5. Laura

    Sunset, champagne and dolphins?? Sounds fabulous! I always seem to regret flat water kayaking after my arms get tired and I’m still a long way from shore – good call on making Lucas do the hard work!


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