My First Mother’s Day

May 17, 2015

There are simply no words to describe how I felt on my first Mother’s Day, other than to say it was one of the best days of my life. I was so emotional that my family kept joking that I must be pregnant again! I just never knew how badly I wanted children, until my son was born. I feel such an honor and privilege to be Joaquín’s Mom.

My sweet husband, Lucas, was so thoughtful and bought me a gorgeous bouquet of peonies (my favorite flowers) and a new camera lens that I had been lusting after forever. Of course, these things mean the world to me, but my best gift is definitely Joaquín.

Before we went out to dinner, we had an impromptu photo shoot in our backyard. I was dying to test out my new camera lens!

Lucas took the following photos and I was blown away by them when I saw them later. For someone who knows very little about photography, he sure can take a good picture! I definitely plan on framing some of these.

The next photo is my favorite. If only I could freeze time and keep Joaquín four months old forever! Although, I know his journey in life is going to be extraordinary and I cannot wait to see the path he takes with me by his side cheering him on.

Mother’s Day dinner was at the Cajun Queen, a restaurant my Dad invested in years ago. It is where we celebrate most of my family’s special occasions throughout the year. If you ever travel to Charlotte, North Carolina, make sure you dine there — the food, drinks, and atmosphere are fabulous!

Raising a child is the hardest work I could have ever imagined, but thankfully I have an amazing partner by my side. Lucas makes parenthood look so easy. He never gets stressed out by anything and has incredible patience. My favorite part of the day is when we put our son to sleep. Lucas feeds Joaquín the bottle, while I read him a bedtime story. After I am finished with the book, I watch Joaquín slowly drift off into sleep cuddled in Lucas’ arms. They both radiate love for each other and every single night I am in awe of the moment.

Of course, no celebration is complete without multiple bottles of champagne and delicious food!

All in all, it was the most perfect day. I can hardly believe that on next Mother’s Day my son will be walking and talking!

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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12 thoughts on “My First Mother’s Day

    1. Andi Perullo de Ledesma Post author

      Thank you so much! I have NOTHING that fits me post-pregnancy, so I had to run to the store the day before Mother’s Day and this dress was the only one that fit. It was such a wonderful, cozy day!!!

  1. Krista

    What a gorgeous, happiness and love-filled day, Andi. 🙂 I’ve overjoyed for all three of you and wish you so much joy in the years to come. XO

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