Traveling, whether it is for business or pleasure, can, and often is, a wonderful, magical experience; there is nothing quite like visiting faraway places, even if you are merely passing through and it is not hard to see why so many people are bitten by the travel bug every year! Regardless of how far you are going, each journey has the potential to be an incredible adventure. As with all things though, travel has one major downside: the waiting around. Whether you are twiddling your thumbs in an airport lounge, attempting to grab some sleep during a layover, or getting bored staring out of the bus window, there is no denying that even the most exciting journey can drag. So, what do you do about it? Why, you take along a little entertainment of course!
PAUSE: What To Do While Your Adventures Are On Hold
Okay, so waiting around can suck; we have established that! The remedy is really quite simple though. You see, the best way to enjoy your trip, stops and all, is to incorporate every minute of waiting around into the adventure — do not see each pause as a bore or an inconvenience, but rather as a chance to relax, unwind, or learn something new. Entertaining yourself during a road trip, long-haul flight, layover, or pause between modes of transport need not be hi-tech, well at least not all of the time, anyway. For starters, why not take along a book or magazine? There is nothing quite like immersing yourself in somebody else’s adventure whilst you are embarking upon your own. Kindles and similar e-readers make wonderful travel companions, as they enable you to take hundreds of books on the device in your carry-on luggage and enjoy weeks’ worth of reading. If you are traveling alone and want to tell your family and friends about the things you have seen or simply hope to remember this adventure for years to come, why not create a journal? Whether online or as a scrapbook, a journal is a fantastic time to fill those gaps, as well as gathering mementoes and collecting memories. Other means of entertaining yourself could include: travel games (so long as there is a group of you), car karaoke during those long stretches of highway, attempting to learn a little of the local language with a phrasebook or language app, or kicking back and listening to music while you gather your thoughts. The possibilities are, actually, endless!
Adventure Is Just A Click Away
If you are limited for luggage space or have left everything until the last minute, it is completely possible to keep yourself entertained indefinitely as you break your journey up with only a cell phone or tablet. Postagram, an app that allows you to document your adventures, is a fantastic way to keep your hands and imagination occupied, while listening to audiobooks and podcasts via a smartphone can be similarly engaging. These days we want our entertainment to be as flexible as we are; how else could you watch episodes of your favorite shows or moments from the movies, while you are waiting for a subway train? Netflix is not just at home, you know?
If you like your entertainment to be a little more engaging have you considered taking a handheld games console or downloading a few gaming apps to keep you busy while you wait? It is worth noting you need to be careful as many of this online sites are new and not very trustworthy. Thus, to find the best ones, here is a good resource to read: Addictive games such as Angry Birds can be a great time waster, while online gaming sites and betting apps create entertainment, an opportunity to make new virtual friends — perfect if you are traveling alone — and the chance to win great prizes. What better way to further your travels or help you to enjoy yourself while you are away. Online gaming sites are incredibly engaging when you are traveling; here you will find a variety of ways to amuse yourself without lifting more than a couple of fingers, which is ideal if you are suffering from jetlag during a layover.
Waiting is an inevitable part of traveling, but it need not put a damper on your adventure or even halt your excitement. There are so many ways in which you could amuse yourself while traveling, from reading and writing, to listening to music and gaming; there are almost as many possibilities as there are destinations in the world. Enjoy!