Camping is great fun with the family. Who does not love to be in the woods, at a campground, without a care in the world? You do not have to worry about being fancy, just about being free to relax and do as you please. Given the carefree lifestyle promoted by RV camping, there are some things that you do not need when you are RV camping.
In fact, it would not be worth your time or effort according to to include these things when preparing for your trip:
You will be in the woods with family and have the ability to make new friends and meet new people. The last thing you need is electronics. Think about how people who used to camp went into the woods without even a basic cell phone. Vacation is to rejuvenate and most of the time that means without electronics. Keep laptops, game consoles, and tablets at home. Yes, bring your phone in case of an emergency, but leave it at in the RV.
Appliances For The Kitchen
You do not need your Keurig, your mixer, or your blender. You will not be spending much time in the kitchen, because you will want to spend most of your time outside with family and friends enjoying the nice weather. Only bring the essentials. Most RVs only have a burner or two — if any. Bring a frying pan, a boiling pot, and a few other essential things. According to Campanda, an RV is usually overpacked for camping trips.
Firewood is not only bulky, but it is also messy. You will be able to get firewood wherever you go. Most campgrounds will sell it or you will be able to find it nearby. In fact, you should be a little adventurous and go out looking for it yourself. Do not spend the extra money to bring it with you. It will cost you more money in gas than it is worth.
Gourmet Food To Cook
This means you should leave the canned foods at home. While they are not necessarily gourmet, they can take up a lot of heavy room. You are mostly going to want hamburgers and hotdogs on the grill. Do not use a lot of energy cooking inside the RV, because not only is it lonely, but it will also be hot. Planning your meals ahead is truly the way to do it. That way, you will know exactly what you need to bring, and you will not waste any food in the process and do not forget to stock the camper supplies.
More Than The Basic Tools
The basic tools are fine to bring as you have no idea what will happen. It is always good to be prepared for the worst and hope for the best. Bringing the basic tools is expected, as you are not at home to use what you need when you need it, but it can also be costly. If you take heavy things along with you, it will cost you more in gas and they may not be used.
Fresh Water
No matter where you go, there should be fresh water you can hook up to. If you bring heavy water tanks, it will cost a ton in gas money and space. It can even be beneficial to bring duct tape because you can always solve problems with it. Remember to only take the essentials so you do not need to overpack and take on more than you need.
Enjoy yourself when camping in your RV and only take the essentials. You will be happy to pack lightly. It will make it easier to unpack when you get home and you will have a better time on your trip!