I love the summer, I like the heat, I like going to the beach, soaking in the pools, and in short enjoying what the summer has to offer. However, since I became the proud owner of my pet dog, I have started dreading the onset of summer. If you ask, what is the connection between summer and my pet dog? Well, the connection is fleas.
Dog fleas generally thrive in hot conditions. Once they infest your dog, then removing them completely is a big task. Easiest way to do so is most often with the involvement of flea collars for dogs. When a dog is infected with fleas you may think that they are infected with mites and use powders and shampoos that help in ridding the dog of mites. When my dog was scratching a lot and that too behind the ears and also licking himself, I thought it was case of mites and used mites dusting powder and then I also tried pet shampoos, but the itching did not stop. I had to go to a vet who told me that the dog had mites. He told me that there is a lot of difference between mites and fleas. Fleas are small with strong legs and can leap from one dog to another. Once they get onto a dog they will start biting the dog as well as lay eggs on the dog. The fleas can even jump onto your couch and then get back on to your dog when the dog sits on the couch or near it. The flea bite can cause a lot of diseases and infections. Some are said to be life threatening for the dog too. My vet prescribed an oral medicine and told me that the effect on the dog would be nearly immediate and in fact after six hours the dog had reduced itching and all the fleas were dead. Make sure to check out Flea and Tick Prevention for more information.
This was not the end of mine or my dog’s ordeal. Within a few days, the fleas were back. I do not know how, it could have come from somewhere in the house such as the carpet or it could have come from the park where I take my dog to play. He is a friendly dog and plays with other dogs regularly. Maybe from one of the dogs in the park the fleas could have returned. I did not want to give my dog another dose of medicines and hence I researched on the internet for solutions to dog fleas apart from medicines, shampoos, powders, and creams.
While researching I came across flea collars for dogs. This device releases a medicine which repels the fleas and some collars release a medicine that kills the fleas too. I liked the concept and after searching for the best flea collar for dogs I found one which was advertised to last 8 months. It has been 5 months now. I am happy with the flea collar, because I can see that my dog is happy, he is no longer scratching himself and has reverted to playing with everyone.
Furthermore, I personally feel that any person who comes in contact with a dog who has a flea collar should wash their hands thoroughly immediately after. This is because the medicine in the dog collar is known to be toxic. It is not toxic in small levels, but why would any person want themselves or their children and loved ones to touch a toxic material and not wash hands. I have made it a rule at home that whoever comes in contact with my dog, they need to wash hands.
The success of the flea collar made me recommend it to my friends. One of my friends dog had recurring fleas and he got a flea collar for his Panther Black Pitbulls dog. But within a few days the dog was ill. After a visit to the vet it was determined that the dog was allergic to the medicine in the collar. The vet prescribed a different dog flea collar and some medicines for the allergic reaction. Why I am telling you this is because not all dog flea collars will suit your dog. You need to speak to your vet and ask him to prescribe the best flea collar for your dog.