Photography is an exciting profession or hobby. Unfortunately, some cannot feel the same excitement when they travel with camera gear. The reasons are different from one photographer to another. But whatever the reason is, there are easier ways on how you can travel stress-free. One of the best ways is to follow the golden rules of packing camera gear:
Rule 1: Disassemble every gear from the camera and pack each with protective padding.
Rule 2: Never forget your charger.
Rule 3: Pack all the necessary cleaning supplies.
Rule 4: Never pack the camera gear in the checked-in bags (applicable for airline only).
Rule 5: Always pack light.
If the golden rules are not enough to keep your packing experience stress-free, here are a few tips that you can follow:
Four Tips On How To Travel With Camera Gear
Consider Your Means Of Travel
Many tend to consider first the camera gear they need to bring when packing. But the truth is you should always first consider the means of travel you are about to take.
There are are reasons why this is important: one, this will give you an idea on the possible situations you might encounter. Once you know all the possible situations, you can plan on how you can strategically protect your camera gear from all those situations.
While the other is to know the exact size and weight limit that allowed for luggage. If you are traveling by bus, there are no limits for bags. Though there is no limit, it is ideal to keep your camera gear bag light so you can hold it comfortably.
But if you travel by airplane, it is highly recommended to check their size and weight limit for carry-on and checked-in bags. Since it is a must for the camera gear not to be in the checked-in bags, make sure to maintain it on the carry-on size.
Bring the camera gear you need
Once you know the allowable size and weight for travel bags, you can now decide which camera gear to bring. The simplest way to determine this is by knowing the type of photography you are about to shoot and focus on it. Example, if you are going to the wild, it is best to bring only your fast wide-angle lenses and the supporting tools it needs or in case you are traveling to create content for your Instagram audience, you will need to bring the best right cameras for Instagram (you can check out a review here)
Ship your camera gear or rent
There are some instances that you really need to bring your big telephoto lenses on your travel. Since there is no way you can bring it on your carry-on, it is best to consider it ship to your destination. Find a FedEx or UPS store near your travel location.
If there is none, another good option is to search for a photography equipment rental store near your travel location.
Get your camera gear insured
If there are two downsides of traveling with camera gear, that will be accident and theft. No matter how cautious you are or plan everything ahead of time if accidents strike your camera will be damaged. To ensure your great investment is protected all the time, it is best to get your camera gear insured.
The best insurance to get is the one that offered coverage for loss, damage, and theft.
Packing is never been an easy task for most people. This is because some think that bringing all their camera gears is a good assurance that they will never miss a good moment. But the truth is it is never practical to bring all of it at once, because you cannot possibly use it all. So, to save time, money and effort, it is best to bring only your primary needs.
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