It is not a secret anymore that journalists usually have to work for late hours and for an extended period of time and there are several journalists who go for self-medication in order to deal with this tiresome journey. However, as per new research, it has been found that self-medication has a rather adverse impact on their ability to differentiate between fiction and fact. According to a study conducted by a renowned Neuroscientist, it was found that most journalists have low levels of brain function than several other groups.

What is the underlying cause behind it? The study was done on 35 journalists over a period of 7 months and it was seen that they consume high levels of alcohol along with coffee and they also do not take breaks during the entire day of work. Most of them who participated drank more than 18 units of alcohol. If you know a journalist who suffers from such mental stress, this website can help.
Having To Deal With Bad News All The Time
Reporters usually cover a fraction of what they see in person, but they are always exposed to the entire scene in person. There are often times when the news can begin to weigh on the travel or photo journalists. The reporters and journalists usually find their regular day stores as trivial when they compare it to the coverage of massacres and other atrocities. There are few who require removing themselves from the environment to rejuvenate their emotional balance.
It goes without mentioning that journalists have to face numerous stresses like their daily grind to write stories and submit them as per the deadline, perfecting their write-up, and sometimes dealing with aggressive, rude, and threatening people. They also have to cover horrifying and graphic events due to which they feel overstressed and overworked.
Taking Care Of Your Own Self While You Are A Journalist
It is vital for the journalists to develop a separate support system, focus on the signs of stress, balance the two worlds, jot down their experiences, and keep their mental well-being on the top of their mind. During natural disasters, the journalists are caught in the middle as their job is to narrate stories of what is happening and they need to function at their best even when the world is falling apart.
Therefore, if you are a travel journalist who is suffering from extreme stress due to the kind of job that you perform, you should seek help of a mental health professional, so that you may fix things as soon as possible.