You can classify garage doors according to the type of materials used for construction or how it opens or the number of panels it has: single or double door. During selection, you must be aware of all these aspects because, from the size of the door to the manner of opening, it can make a huge difference in the outcome in terms of the home aesthetics, the convenience of use and safety. The right garage door is key in enhancing the curb appeal besides impacting the home appearance and the value of the property. In this article, we will discuss garage doors with respect to the way it opens.
Roll up garage doors
A roll-up garage door has several horizontal slats placed against one another and attached with hinges that allow the slats to roll over one another. A barrel placed at the top of the garage door helps in wrapping the slats around it when you push up the door from the bottom to open it. As you roll up the door, the slats allow the door to bend and curve. These doors are best suited for commercial garages and warehouses and used sparingly at homes.
Sectional garage doors
Sectional garage doors are a common sight in the USA because most homes have this type of garage doors. The bigger door panel consists of small sections like the checks in a chess board and held together by hinges. The hinges facilitate bending of the door panel that impacts how the door opens. The door moves along a vertical track, and you can move it right up to the top of the ceiling to get full door opening. On reaching the top, the sections of the door panel will then move parallel to the ceiling along the horizontal track. For repairing the door, you can contact Dunns Overhead garage door services Oklahoma City.
Slide to the side garage doors
This type of garage doors slides to the side or around the corner, and the method of opening is one of the oldest among garage doors. Naturally, you may not see this type of doors nowadays. These doors instead of bending upwards and running parallel to the ceiling bend and slide on one side and run parallel to the wall.
Tilt up garage doors
This type of new garage doors fitted does not have sections like the doors described above but when opening tilts up and moves inside the garage. There are two types of tilt-up doors. Tilt up canopy garage door which is more popular and tilt up retractable door. Both models operate on a pivot and hinge arrangement for lifting the door upwards.
Side hinged garage doors
Also known as the swing garage door, the side hinged garage door has hinges on its sides that helps the door to swing open on the sides. You can choose between an inward or outward swing depending on the garage design and space available.
Sectional garage doors are popular for residential use, and it is not unusual to see homes with tilt up doors that are quite expensive.