Why You Should Take Your Kids To An African Safari

April 10, 2019

Africa is known for its rich cultural diversity and if you are planning a trip to Africa, a safari is the best way to introduce your children to exciting wildlife. A safari in Africa will give you and your children unforgettable family memories and experiences to take home. The wildlife and plant world that exists in Africa will also instill respect for the planet, which is an extremely important aspect needed for conservation of the world. 

When venturing to Africa, you can opt for an enchanting stay at a game reserve with your family. If you are wondering just how much a family African safari tour could impact the minds and hearts of your children, here are the top four reasons why you should give them an opportunity to experience all that Africa has to offer:

#1 Experiencing the wildlife

One of the biggest reasons that a safari in Africa will impact your children is the introduction to animals that they have never seen before. Africa is home to the Big Five; lions, elephants, rhinoceros, buffalos, and leopards. While your children may have seen some of these animals in zoos or on National Geographic channels, a safari adventure will allow your children to witness these wondrous animals at ease in their natural environment. Your children will be amazed at witnessing these large animals and a variety of other African animals in the flesh. If your children enjoy trips to the zoo, a safari trip will have them enchanted. A lot of the best African countries to visit have some form of great safaris to travel to.

#2 Something new and different

A safari trip in Africa is invaluable and it will remove your children from their comfort zone and let them witness a whole new and different world. A stay at a game reserve will have your children waking up to various species of friendly monkeys right at the doorstep, which is not at all an uncommon experience when staying at an African game reserve. Your children will be able to meet an array of smaller wildlife animals close-up, such as monkeys and warthogs that roam freely in game reserves. This is an experience like no other, especially for young children. 

#3 An education schooling cannot provide

While a safari trip in Africa in undeniably exciting, it will also provide exceptional travel and cultural experience to the kids. They will learn about African history, regional cultures, traditions, and ideologies. Every evening at Angama Mara, traditional Maasai warriors perform brush-packed boma for the guest and they can join the warriors in the performance. 

Maasai warriors perform

#4 Unique family time

Africa offers families extremely unique bonding time, considering you will get to listen to amazing wildlife stories from tour guides and be spotting animals near your game lodge whilst enjoying breakfast together. An African safari will prove to be an undeniably unique bonding experience for your family that won’t be easily forgotten. 

When is the best time to enjoy an African safari with your family?

Because African climate is rather warm, you can enjoy a safari trip any time of the year. If you opt to plan your trip during the dry season, you will be able to enjoy witnessing the animals gathering around watering holes, while if you opt for a drip during the wet season, you will be able to experience the rich and diverse plant life that is unquestionably breath-taking. During the dry season, you may find that the warm temperatures a somewhat unbearable, and the rainy seasons would make going on a self-drive safari somewhat tricky. However, any time is an ideal time to experience all that Africa has to offer your family as each season has a unique experience to offer. 

Animals can be seen all year-round in Africa. Autumn seasons would provide an amazing experience to witness baby animals roaming around with their mothers and summer seasons provide the rich experience of the diverse plant life and rainy weather. There is no wrong time to visit Africa and safaris and game reserves are suitable for children of all ages. 

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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