Since the much-awaited moment is here, it is time for you to click one of the best memorable baby pictures of your children. All you need to do is put on the designer trendy baby clothes and get started for one of the best family photography with your children. There are many pictures and poses that you must click in order to relive the special moments with your babies. On the baby’s first day,you must go for the family photography to remember this day forever. Because now, the most-awaited moment has arrived and you need to do something special to celebrate this day. As you are holding your baby for the first time, it is necessary for you to make the baby feel special.
The photoshoot must happen in the following ways:
With older siblings- The elder child is always overwhelmed on seeing the little brother or sister in the family. The first meeting between the siblings is very precious and you must capture it for sure. The children will look up to it when they grow older.

With parents– One of the most crucial pictures is the one with parents. Dress your babies in the designer newborn baby clothes and hold them in your arms and now, get ready for the click. The baby resting calmly in the mother’s arm is something that has to be a perfect shot for the entire life.
With Grandparents– It is a pleasure for the grandparents to meet their grandchild for the very first time. All you need to do is capture the glimpse of their happiness and carry the baby whenever they want for the random shots. This is going to be so much fun.

Picture of the feet- Capturing the picture of the feet is going to look so adorable. This tiny feet is definitely going to make your baby look adorable. It is considered good luck as well if you take a picture of the tiny feet of the baby.

Picture of the face– Nothing is going to be more cuter than the face of the baby. The precious little face is going to look awesome in the pictures, so do not forget to click pictures of the facial expressions. The mischievous, sad, angry, happy reactions of the baby are something that are very important to capture. This is going to define a lifetime of mood swings of the baby and he/she is going to be delighted after looking at these pictures during the adulthood.

Picture while sleeping– Do not ever forget to take the pictures of the baby while sleeping. This is going to look as beautiful as it sounds. Whenever you have trouble or the child faces trouble while sleeping, you can always have a look at these wonderful clicks, these pictures will surely add a smile to your face.
Picture of a mother with a baby in her arms– This should be one of the most important poses and should be included in the front of the album. It is one of the most amazing moments, when the baby curls up in the arms of the mother and sleeps peacefully.

Picture of baby grasping the finger– One of the most adorable poses is this one, where the baby grasps the finger of the mother or both parents. This is a photograph that you are going to cherish forever. The best feeling is when the baby holds your finger for the first time tightly.

Enjoy the photo session with your first baby!