Any guesses on which part of your house is the most exposed to natural forces? Which part of the house is always exposed to the sun, the wind, the rain, the hail, the snow, and everything in between? Of course, the roof! This is why it is so important to keep the roof of your house healthy and away from natural as well as artificial intruders.

A broken or damaged roof may lead to water leakage and insufficient shading, and it can also put the structure of your whole house at risk.
However, roof maintenance does not always have to be an expensive thing! A simple coat of paint or spraying on your roof could insulate it from the invasive external forces efficiently. Following are a few reasons why you should go for painting or spraying to maintain your roof:
- Cost-effective:
Not only is painting and spraying cheaper than other roof maintenance methods, but it is also very efficient in covering the whole roof surface area. This method takes much less time than all the other methods since a single coat can be applied to an average Australian house in only about 3 hours.
If you want to go for more thick layers, it would take more time. However, it would also ensure more protection to your roof. It isn’t just the volume of the coat, but also the nature of the paint or spray used that makes it efficient! For this reason, we only advise that you go for expert suppliers such as Rekote Roofing.
- Easy!
This has to be the greatest point in favour of painting and spraying your roof! Contrary to other roof maintenance methods, this one actually is easier for a general consumer to understand. Some may even do it themselves, after all, it is kind of a fun thing to paint or spray your roof. However, we would recommend going for an expert so that no scope of any damage is left behind. read about rooftop bars in Bangkok
- Looks good!
They say that your house could speak volumes about your personality, and if that’s the case, then painting can help you bring your roof in alignment with your personality. A wide variety of colours and glosses and textures to choose from for painting your roof! A plain vanilla roof is out-dated, give it a spicy mix and throw in some colours!
- Reflects heat and harmful radiation also
Of all the things that fall on your roof, the sunlight and the harmful UV radiations are the most regular attackers. A water resilient and reflecting paint coat could help you protect your house and the people who live in it, from the harmful radiation to a great extent. In Australia, every 2 out of 3 people are at the risk of being diagnosed with skin cancer by the time they hit their 60s. Harmful UV radiations are the biggest cause of skin cancer. Thus, by roofing and painting your roof using an adequate product, you could actually be doing the occupants huge favour!
- An efficient protective layer between your roof and the attackers:
An uncovered roof is directly exposed to the snow, the rain, the falling leaves, the heat, dust, and everything in between. However, in the case of a thick painted roof, the attackers don’t stand a chance at harming the roof. The concrete is well concealed under the layers of paint. This not only ensures the sturdiness of your roof but also the strength of your house stays intact for a longer period of time.
We hope this article has helped you understand the importance of spraying or painting your roof surface. Choose the paints’ quality and colour appropriately to ensure the best for your roof maintenance.