Various bird control mechanisms are becoming popular to deter birds from roosting on your property. Many companies are offering different kinds of bird spikes. You can choose the appropriate one, depending on your requirement. Your budget considerations will help you make a perfect choice. Try to select a variant that will help you with the type of infestation that is bothering you.
The variety of birds you target sparrows, seagulls, pigeons, and vultures may also help you make an appropriate choice. Use bird spikes with premium quality material for its durability. Correct installation is necessary so that it does not allow gaps for the nesting of the bird.
You should evaluate certain factors before you shop for bird spikes.
The kind of birds you are trying to keep away
You should install bird spikes that are appropriate for keeping pigeons or birds of similar size away. Installing small bird spikes will not work for more gigantic beasts or animals like vultures or seagulls.
Where to install the spikes?
Try to install the peaks where the birds are roosting or assemble in large numbers. Use several rows of spikes to cover a particular area. The main aim is to give the message to the birds that they cannot nest diverting them to a different location. You can even install them on doorframes or planters.
What is the appropriate number of spikes?
When it comes to installing bird spikes, it does not come with a “one size fits all policy.” You have to consult a specialist to help you choose appropriate rows of bird spikes that you might need. There are many companies like Bird Spikes Australia that offer inspection services before selling the product. You can call them for inspecting your site before the installation of bird spikes for the best results.
Which is the best option for fixing them?
You can either glue them or even use mounting hardware. However, it is more advisable to go for mounting hardware to securely attach the strips on the surface where the installation is to take place. Only if the surface of the facility does not allow screw penetration, you can use glue. For surfaces made of glass or stone, glue is the only option for installing bird spikes. Mounting spikes with adhesive is not so popular because it eventually fails. This mounting hardware is more popularly used as an affordable accessory when it comes to installing bird spikes.
Difference between steel and plastic spikes
Price is the only difference that exists between Steel and plastic spikes. Aesthetics is also a factor of dissimilarity between the two. If you are low on budget, then you can go for plastic spikes. On the other hand, the stainless steel version of spikes is thinner and less visible, so it is more popular. Most pest control professionals choose the steel version of spikes.
If you go for premium steel quality, then it might last up to 25 years. It is not advisable to go for inferior quality as its steel might rust over time. Even the premium plastic version of spike comes with at least 15 years of warranty. These spikes come in varying width to help the installer choose a size appropriate to the site of installation.