Sea Cargo VS Air Cargo: Which Is Good For Business

September 18, 2020

When it comes to deciding the freight system for a business, most people often get confused. They have two options in front of them, Sea Freight or Air Freight. Though both cargo systems have been in use for centuries and are doing their jobs with the satisfaction of people, still, when it comes to transport the goods for businesses, people want to choose the best one without any flaw, or they will be at a loss if they choose the wrong freight. You can find out more about sea freight rates calculation here.

Both cargo systems have their pros and cons, choosing between the two majorly depends upon the need and type of your business. In this article, we are going to walk you through the good and the bad side of each freight system so that you can choose the one which fits the needs of your business. So let us begin:

Which provides the better cost?

Now when it comes to the cost and expenses of cargo, Sea cargo services stands in the first position. Transporting the wares and products via the ocean is much cheaper than air freight services. People with a low budget often opt for sea freight from China as it saves them a lot of money in the long run. So if you need a cargo system that will be easy on your pockets and reliable, then sea freight is the way to go.

Which one is more time efficient?

For those businesses that have not even got a second to spare, and want their products in their hands as soon as possible, then they should opt for the air cargo. Though air cargo is a little bit expensive, the good side is, it transports your wares to you in the minimum time. Where the sea cargo can take days, or even weeks to carry the goods, air cargo can do the job in just one day or sometimes, even a few hours. So if you are running out of time, my suggestion would be to reach for the Air Freight.

Greater criteria for cargo type

When it comes to the type of cargo you want to transport, Sea Freight always takes advantage as it has no limitations. Sea freight offers greater room for different cargo types while you have limited choice when transporting via air. You are not allowed to transport heavy and bulky materials through air freight whereas sea cargo can even carry the heaviest and bulky machinery over it. So if you have something big and hefty, then shipping will be a good choice for you.

Safety and protection of cargo

Safety is the priority without any doubt. Nobody would want to receive their products in many pieces. Air Freight carries very strict rules and regulations when it comes to the safety of products. They follow all safety precautions while packaging the products and handle them with complete care. On the other hand, you cannot expect this much protection and safety from the ship Freight as the products are kept in the containers without any special safety measures. That is the reason, most of the time, goods in the ships get dissembled. So if your cargo contains fragile things, then air freight should be your choice. VRR also sell certified collapsible ULDs, which are a huge space saver, cost reducer as they stack when empty, and contribute to a more sustainable way of transporting cargo.


I hope this article has provided you with what you were looking for. I have mentioned all the dark and bright sides of both cargo systems so that you can choose the best one depending upon your needs. 

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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