There are many reasons why homeowners might start thinking about moving or making changes to their property. Growing families and changing lifestyles can play a role, and sometimes, people simply want a change of scenery. If you are at a crossroads, and you are not sure whether to revamp your home or relocate to pastures new, hopefully, this guide will come in handy.

Do you love your current home?
For many people, this is the most important question to ask. If you absolutely adore your home, and you are thinking about moving, because it does not work for you anymore, it is worth considering taking on a renovation project. If you have welcomed new members to the family or you have started working or running a business from home, for example, and you have run out of space, there may be options. Adding living space can provide a solution, which will enable you to stay in a home you love. In contrast, if your home does not fit in with your lifestyle, and you have fallen out of love with it, it makes sense to explore the possibility of moving. By moving to a new house, you can set about trying to find a property that crosses all of the boxes.

Is it possible to make changes?
Before you get carried away planning extensions or thinking about what colors you are going to use in your new attic bedroom, it is critical to make sure that your ideas are viable. If you want to extend your kitchen or transform the basement into a living space, for example, call some reputable local building firms and make sure it is possible to make the changes you have in mind. Once you have made sure you can carry out work, get some quotes, compare prices, and consider every option on the table. You may find that architects and building companies have ideas that will help you reduce costs or make better use of the space, for example. Take your time to make a decision. If there is no space available to extend your indoor living areas, you could think about adding a garden room. This is a great idea for those who work from home, and it will free up space indoors if you have an office upstairs, or your desk is taking over the living or dining room.
Which option makes financial sense for you?
When you are considering major life events, such as buying a house or making wholesale changes to your home, it is always important to consider your finances. Assess your financial situation, figure out how much you could afford to spend if you did choose to move, and get some quotes for renovation work to see if your vision is affordable. You can use sites like MortgageCalculator.Org to see how much you could borrow if you decided to move. If you are undertaking work, it is a good idea to ask local real estate agents about value-adding potential. You do not want to spend a fortune on a new loft studio if it is going to add a limited amount of value to the property. If you are stuck between revamping and relocating, it can be helpful to have the figures in front of you. You might find that improving your current home is a lot cheaper than buying a house that already has all the features you are looking for.
Does what you want exist?
Many of us get restless when we have lived in the same home for a long time, and when you are bombarded with picture-perfect images of houses on social media and TV, it can be tempting to start dreaming about moving. The trouble is that most people do not have a bottomless budget, and there is almost always a need to compromise. You might have a vision in your mind, but does it actually exist in real life and can you afford the kind of property you want? Do some research into the local market, have a look at prices and think about your priorities. Are you desperate for everything on your list, or could you make sacrifices? You may find that sprucing up your current property gives you what you want without spending a vast sum of money. For ideas and inspiration, have a look at this article
Does your home make you happy?
Our homes are supposed to be places where we feel safe, secure, comfortable and content. If you are unhappy in your home, relocating seems like the obvious option, but it is beneficial to pinpoint the underlying cause first. In many cases, we find that our homes stop making us happy, because our requirements change. If you bought a house as a couple, for example, and you now have children, you might find the layout frustrating or dream of a home that makes it easier to live, work and play in the same spaces. Rather than writing off your home as a lost cause, you could investigate making changes that would make your home more family-friendly. Opening up living spaces by knocking down walls, adding extensions and joining separate rooms together to design functional, versatile rooms that have a range of purposes can all help. If you chose to extend or join a cloakroom, laundry room and kitchen together, for example, you could create a space for dining, working, hanging out and playing, socializing and entertaining and unwinding. If renovating your home still would not make you love it, and you are excited by the prospect of moving, buying a new house is the way to go.

Many of us get to a stage in our lives when we think about moving. If you have run out of space, your home is not working for you anymore, or you are tired of the decor or the layout, it is wise to consider your options before you decide whether to stay put or up sticks. There are often ways you can enhance living areas to maximize potential, add value and create more space, but if you do not love your home, there are limited opportunities to develop it, or you are keen to explore new areas, moving may be the best choice for you.