How To Plan The Perfect Cross Country Honeymoon Road Trip

December 18, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted recreational travel for the unforeseeable future. As a result, newlywed couples have not been able to vacation for their honeymoons. While some are postponing their original trips, others are searching for safe and romantic trip ideas. A cross country road trip is an excellent option for those looking to honeymoon in the near future. Gather those wedding rings, load up the car and learn all about planning your honeymoon road trip!

Map Your Route

During the initial planning stages, you and your partner will need to map your driving route. You can plan your trip around any specific destinations such as cities, towns, parks, or monuments you would like to visit. The country’s geographic and regional diversity provides ample opportunity for a unique experience ranging from national parks and wilderness to sprawling metropolises. This is also an excellent opportunity to visit with friends and family in other parts of the country, and you may be able to base your trip around events in certain destinations. 

Your trip route will be predominantly based on what you would like to see and do, and you can research using the internet or travel advisors to plan your ideal route. Fortunately, there are no shortages of romantic destinations when driving across the country. You may choose to start your trip with a delicious meal at Pittsburgh’s Smallman Galley and end at beautiful Yellowstone National Park. The options are endless, so you and your partner can easily come up with a dream honeymoon! 


Generally speaking, weddings are expensive events. The various costs for the reception, ceremony, wedding rings, and more can quickly accumulate, which only further reinforces the importance of budgeting throughout the entire process. 

Your cross country honeymoon trip is no different, as proper budgeting helps reduce any financial stress and leads to a more enjoyable experience. The costs will differ from more traditional honeymoon vacations, which usually include airfare or all-inclusive resort fees. 

Typical road trip costs include food, gas, lodging, and other miscellaneous purchases such as souvenirs or experience related costs. These costs can quickly accumulate, and preparing financially can help reduce stress throughout the trip. You should also budget an emergency fund, as there may be unexpected costs such as car difficulties that arise over the course of your drive. Fortunately, there are ways to save money on your trip such as eating at local restaurants and researching gas prices in different states to find refueling stations with the lowest costs. 


Once you have outlined a general itinerary and decided on locations for your trip, you will need to make lodging accommodations. Deciding where to sleep at night will be largely dependent on how long you and your partner are willing to spend driving during the day or through the night, as this will allow you to use time and distance calculations to find general areas or specific towns and cities. 

Lodging options include hotels, motels, AirBnb, camping, and staying with friends or family members. Certain hotels may offer amenities such as fine dining, spa and fitness facilities, and shopping that can make your honeymoon experience more enjoyable. They may even offer honeymoon packages or discounts, so research for the best deals. This could be a great way to enhance your honeymoon experience, and it is also an excellent way to unwind and relax after spending hours on the road. 

While it is possible to embark on your trip without concrete lodging plans, this can result in complications and logistical headaches. You may be able to stop and stay wherever you please, as there will be many hotels and motels near main cross country highways and interstates. However, they may be at capacity or not have any rooms that meet your necessary requirements. Additionally, making necessary accommodations reduces stress and is much more convenient, as it helps you and your partner stick to your outlined trip plan.  

The Vehicle 

Picking your means of transportation is one of the more important planning steps. If you or your partner already own a car, this is likely your easiest option. However, you need to be sure that your car could handle the stress of a cross country road trip. You will also require space for packing suitcases or any other necessities. 

If you decide to use one of your cars for the trip, make sure any inspections and maintenance are up to date. A mechanic will check oil levels, tires, the engine, and other components of your car to ensure that it is ready for a cross country trip. Renting a different car is another option, as you can pick from models with more packing space and better gas mileage to maximize your trip. 

You can also consider an Rv rental phoenix or mobile home for your trip. Not only is road tripping across the country in an RV a unique and fun experience, but you get to spend more quality time with your partner and it can eliminate any potential lodging costs. 

Be Flexible 

When planning your cross country honeymoon trip, be sure to have an open mind and flexibility. Whether it is inclement weather or auto trouble, things may come up along the way that you do not plan for, and you will have to adjust. In addition to an emergency fund, it will help to research your destinations in the event that you require medical attention, automobile repairs, or some other emergency service. 

No matter how meticulously you plan, it always helps to be prepared for the unexpected. Who knows? You and your partner may also decide to spontaneously take a detour! At the end of the day, you and your partner are celebrating your new marriage, so enjoy the time together, keep an open mind, and take lots of pictures to commemorate the event.

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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