2020 was a difficult time for people around the world and the only thing keeping some of them going is the idea of starting a new life once the pandemic is finally over. But where to go?
It’s 2021, the coronavirus pandemic is expected to come to a close this year, and you are going to have the whole world at your fingertips again. There is no better time than now to immigrate to another country and start a whole new life.
But, before you solicit some immigration legal advice to help you make the move official, where should you immigrate to? No matter what type of lifestyle you want to lead there is a perfect country for you and we are going to help you find it.
In this post we are going to share our top 10 countries to immigrate to in 2021, so you know what your options are.
What Are The 10 Best Places To Immigrate To in 2021?
Before you decide which country you want to immigrate to, read through the whole list and make an informed decision. You might read about one country you love and come across an even better one further down the list. Take a look…
1. Singapore
We are starting the bidding with Singapore! This country is very young, only becoming independent in 1965, yet it has managed to develop into an international hub for business in just a few short decades.
One of the smallest countries in the world, with only 5.8 million residents, Singapore is easy to become familiar with. It also has an inclusive urban environment that city slickers will love.
Transportation is fast and easy, there are stunning gardens by the bay, there is a rainforest zoo where you can take the kids, the schooling is phenomenal, and it beats most other countries in its quality-of-life scores. There is almost no better place to immigrate to.
2. New Zealand
It is difficult to follow that act, but if any country can it is New Zealand. With stunning landscapes, a progressive culture, and a population with some of the best mental health and wellbeing scores in the country, what is not to like?
The country also has the second-best work-life balance in the world, as well as one of the lowest population densities. This means there are less crowds on New Zealand’s beautiful beaches, mountains and woodland, giving you room to breathe and relax.
215,000 Brits have chosen to immigrate to New Zealand and, with no tax on retirement benefits, you cannot exactly blame them.
3. Spain
Speaking of retirement, Spain is one of the best places to spend your golden years. According to ONS data, 41 percent of British expats living in Spain are over 65 years old, and nowhere in the European Union are there more British pensioners.
The weather is almost always perfect, especially in Barcelona, Madrid, and Seville, who rank in the top 10 sunniest cities in Europe. If you are into city living, Madrid’s residents are the least stressed city dwellers in the world.
Once COVID-19 comes to an end, Spain is definitely a country worth immigrating to.
4. Canada
Canada has always been seen as the USA’s nicer cousin. A true melting pot, this country is home to people from across the globe, with almost a third of their students coming from abroad.
With all these different cultures in one place, Canada is very accepting of newcomers, and its small population is always full of friendly faces. Like the UK, Canada has free healthcare so, if you are immigrating from a country without it, welcome to the club!
Canada is the second largest country in the world, so picking a specific city or town to immigrate to will take some research. You have until the end of the pandemic to figure it out.
5. Finland
Speaking of happy countries, Finland certainly gives Canada a run for its money. This country came top of the World Happiness Report in 2020 for the third year in a row, with Helsinki topping the wellbeing rankings.
This is likely down to their strong sense of community which encourages them to help others. Close to half the population donates regularly to charity, and a third volunteer every month.
If you are looking for a welcoming, close-knit community to raise your family then you would be hard pressed to find a better country than this to immigrate to.
6. Argentina
Argentina has many benefits to city dwellers and nature lovers alike. They have vast and beautiful landscapes, modern cities and some of the best beef you can find anywhere in the world.
It is a good idea to learn some basic Spanish before you immigrate there as there might not be too many people who understand English. The effort will be worth it though as Argentina offers a low cost of living, and excellent employment opportunities and education. It is also pretty easy to become a citizen, as long as you meet their minimum monthly income criteria.
7. Mexico
A great standard of living, an excellent healthcare system, wonderful coastal resorts and, unsurprisingly, the best place to eat Mexican food in the world. Not only that, but the people are also nice and buying real estate is safe and easy.
Another benefit of immigrating to Mexico is its proximity to the USA, especially for people who move from there who want to go back and forth to see friends and family.
8. Germany
Only the second EU country on this list, but by far the strongest economic powerhouse in the whole union. Germany’s strong economy boasts the lowest levels of unemployment in the union, and its universities are some of the best in the world.
Germany also has great cities to choose from, like Munich, Hamburg, and Berlin, beautiful fairy-tale castles, and is very good to its immigrants. Add great food and even better beer to that list and you’ve got yourself the perfect country to immigrate to.
9. Paraguay
Paraguay has low cost of living, low taxes, and has a stable economy that stretches their pensions and lets retirees live in relative comfort. Factor in the beautiful scenery and landscapes and you have a great country for retirees to immigrate to.
10. USA
The USA is one of the most immigrated to countries in the world, if not the most. People from around the world flock to ‘the land of the free’ to take advantage of its exceptional economy and education system.
The country is too big to go into detail on all the different lifestyles within it, but that is the beauty of this great country. No matter who you are or where you are from, there’s a place in the USA that’ll fit your tastes perfectly.
Should You Immigrate In 2021?
In this post we have managed to cover the top 10 countries to move to in 2021. Hopefully, the advice we have shared here is useful and you are prepared for a big move once we finally see the end of this crazy pandemic.

Hey Andi. Thanks for this article, it is really great. But I don’t think Singapore could be the best country for immigration. As I know, there are a lot of difficulties to obtain citizenship in Singapore. And if you had a second life, which country would you choose to live in?