Everything You Need To Camp With Your Baby
Plan and prepare a checklist ahead of time. Remember it is not the same as going camping with your friends here are some of the essentials you must purchase, or better yet rent if you don’t have them just yet;
Baby Camping Chair
Baby chairs and high chairs are just too heavy to carry around. And your stroller might just not be fit for this adventure. So, you want to make sure that you have a portable baby camping chair. Lest you want your baby in your arms the entire time, and who got the energy for that?
This makes everything easy; if you need to light a fire, or unpack other things from the bags, at least you are sure your baby is secure. Get a foldable, lightweight, steady, soft, and comfortable camping chair for your baby’s comfort and one that is easily portable.
The Tent
Camping with your baby means more room and enough space for everyone. You will have a lot of stuff and baby gear, and you still want your baby to have room enough for comfort and air. Always look for a high-quality, roomy, baby-friendly tent (S).
A Camping Mattress
You also need a camping mattress for when you want to sit with your baby, change, and even play with them. These are soft, sturdy, foldable, and easily portable. They are essential that adds comfort and make things easy during your camping.
This is a ‘by-your-side-sleeper’. Since you will not be able to carry your baby’s crib, this is a perfect item and an essential for your baby’s peace and comfort when he/she sleeps. Make sure it is soft, warm, and comfortable for your child. You also have to be able to watch your baby and have an efficient view from the sides of the bassinet.
Booster Eating
This is essential when you are feeding your baby. While the family is seated enjoying the meals from the tents or outside by the fireplace, the baby wants to join too. You can choose a detachable eating tray from the booster seat for portability.
Things to Carry
You definitely are going to need to carry a lot of things, way more than if you were alone or with an adult kid. Here is your things-to-carry checklist;
Plenty Of Nappy Sacks, Nappies And Diapers, And Wipes
These are the essentials you use all the time even in the house. They are easy to carry and shouldn’t be an issue. However, just make sure you don’t forget to pack them. You also are going to need a lot of wipes since you might need to use them more than usual.
Babies Clothes
Babies are sensitive and tend not to operate and regulate their temperatures as adults would. Carrying (breathable) babies’ clothes is essential while going camping. You don’t want them to get too hot against you in a carrier or too cold when the temperature drops.
Babies Toys
Make sure you also pack their favorite toys while going camping. This will be a new environment from the one they are used to and different babies may react in different ways. To make sure that they are comfortable, enjoying themselves, and still feel as if they were home, carry them their best toys.