Just like their predatory ancestors, wolves, dogs prefer a meat diet. However, in the wild, wolves also eat herbs, roots, wild berries and fruits. With their help, predators meet the needs of their body in vitamins, fiber and minerals.
But fruits and berries are only an additional source of nutrients. Representatives of large dog breeds can eat a whole apple or a couple of bananas in one go, and decorative dogs need just a couple of pieces.
Nice treat choice! Apples are affordable, completely safe and, moreover, help improve digestion. Apples are also a great source of vitamins A, B, C, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron.
It’s a great snack because they’re high in copper, vitamins C and K, and fiber. Pears should be cut into small chunks and pit and seeds should be removed first, as the seeds contain traces of cyanide.
It is an indispensable source of potassium, as well as copper, fiber, biotin. These fruits have a lot of sugar, so it’s not quite healthy for your dog to eat a lot of them. 1-3 bananas per week would be enough for large dog breeds, for small ones one banana, cut into pieces, is enough. Unripe bananas can cause indigestion.
Everyone has probably seen dog eating watermelon, so it’s easy to guess that this treat is safe for them. It’s high moisture and fiber content, along with densely packed nutrients. If you’re sure that watermelons were grown without using any chemical fertilizers, you can surely feed your dog this tasty treat.
Berries are a great source of antioxidants, pectins and vitamins. Depending on the taste preferences of your pet, you can give them blueberries, cranberries, or other berries.
Pineapple pulp contains potassium, copper, iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium, iodine and manganese, ascorbic and citric acids. The highly active enzyme bromelain helps digest protein foods.
Citrus fruits
However, most dogs do not usually even like them because they are so acidic. Besides, oranges, grapefruits, and figs can cause allergies. Despite the high content of vitamin C, give these fruits to your dog in very small portions, and watch the reaction. In case of edema, itching, tearing or indigestion, these products should be immediately removed from the pet’s diet.
Main Tips for Feeding Fruit to Dogs
- Always start with small quantities and watch the reaction.
- It is best to feed the dog seasonal, local fruits and berries grown in the wild. Raw fruits, without any heat treatment – should be pre-washed peeled and cut into small pieces.
- Do not give your pet damaged, rotten or overripe fruit.
- Fruits should be considered as snacks for pets, whether to mix fruit with the main food is an individual choice of each owner, based on the observation of the pet’s well-being.
- Do not insist if your dog doesn’t want to try a new fruit.
- Fruits and berries should be ideally mixed with porridge or vegetable puree.
- If the pet has chronic diseases of any internal organs, it’s better to discuss this subject with a veterinarian.