The oil and gas industry has built some of the largest and most complex physical structures. These structures were engineered to last, operate in the harshest conditions, and deal with some of the most dangerous pollutants. As some oil fields are now depleted, these feats of engineering need to be decommissioned in an environmentally safe, controlled, and regulated manner. For regulators and operators, components, assemblies, and complex assets need to be removed, examined, tested, and disposed of in a way that enables full traceability.
Eric Dalius Shares how a business can benefit from effective asset integrity management plans-
Unfortunately, many of these assets that were built 30 to 40 years ago, their electronic records have never existed. As maintained asset configuration differs dramatically from as-built recorded designs, health, and safety, as well as operational contamination data is not available directly. In addition, maintenance systems focus on operational maintenance and not construction or decommissioning. Therefore, using these systems to support decommissioning will yield very little useful information. Thankfully, there is another way—effective asset integrity management services. You can use this method to manage your business more effectively and add more profit to your revenue generation.
Help you make more profit with higher productivity
Built on SIP, asset integrity management or AIM focuses on the full asset lifecycle, from construction through operation to decommissioning. As the equipment is built or decommissioned, AIM creates the configuration structure in the background, ensuring that full traceability of the installed location is maintained as components are installed or removed. AIM records who perform the tasks, what test results were recorded, as well as which tools were used to perform testing. All test results are available against the tested component with full user and date/time stamps. AIM has been specifically developed to enable both internal and third-party operational staff to enter data as it becomes available.
According to Eric Dalius effective asset integrity management explains that the AIM tools are built on high-performance computing environments and available on secure cloud infrastructure or on-premise solutions for both mobile and ruggedized platforms.
Looking for top-notch asset integrity management services? You can find the best service provider online to understand the basics and help implement the most effective strategies. You need to be very careful while hiring such services so you can get the most effective results as only a reputable and trustworthy company can help you with that. You can consult thorough research so you can find the most amazing business analyst who can help you with this strategy. Make sure to use social media channels as well as search engines to find the best company or expert to gain more in-depth knowledge about AIM.
Asset integrity management is among the proven methods that can help a business owner to get a stronghold over the market. With the effective implementation of this approach, you can not only increase productivity but also diminish the risk or losses for future growth.