Have you been noticing severe hair loss recently and scratching your head, thinking what is wrong?
Trust us; you can follow a perfect diet and hair care regime and still shed hair.
But here is the thing — hair loss is normal. But if it is in the form of a bald patch, it can trigger frustration and embarrassment. It may also affect your self-confidence.
Multiple factors are responsible for a bald patch, like:
- Stress.
- Haircare practices.
- Medical conditions – may be related to the immune system of the body.
- Abnormal hormone levels.
- Cancer treatment.
Many treatments are available at Aesthetic Clinic in Kuala Lumpur which help in regrowing and thickening hair. However, you should rely on using proven methods and products. In some cases, you can benefit from simple home remedies or over-the-counter medications.
We have discussed all that in detail and more in this article.
Have a look.
Natural Treatment
The main focus of natural treatment is improving blood circulation in the scalp. This promotes the health of the hair follicles, and it helps in restoring the quality of the hair.
Many products that we use in our homes promote hair growth.
You can use some of the following natural products:
- Rosemary Oil
It has anti-inflammatory properties, which help in improving circulation.
You should rub a small amount of oil on the bald patch daily at night. You can also use a natural shampoo that has rosemary oil.
- Peppermint Oil
Peppermint oil is used to treat many conditions, including irritable bowel syndrome and headaches. It is also an effective topical treatment that boosts hair growth.
You should rub the peppermint oil gently on the bald patch or consider using a shampoo that contains peppermint oil.
- Massage
A scalp massage does not require any products. It is one of the simplest ways to promote blood circulation in the scalp. It also helps in stretching the hair follicle cells that promote thicker hair growth.
To massage your scalp, you should firmly press your fingers against your scalp and massage for around 5 minutes.
Over-The-Counter Treatment
You may have noticed several over-the-counter products that promise a decrease in hair loss and reverse in hair loss. Some of the products are well regarded and more established than the others.
Have a look at some of the over-the-counter products that you can use: Minoxidil.
- Minoxidil
It is one of the most commonly used over-the-counter medicines for the treatment of hair loss. It is available with the brand name Rogaine, available in shampoo, liquid, and foam options. But you must read rogaine reviews before using these products.
Some of the side effects of using Rogaine include skin irritation and unwanted hair growth on the skin near the scalp.
If you see benefits in hair growth by using Rogaine, you should use it indefinitely as its effect may wear off once you discontinue using it.
- Collagen-Based Products
Collagen is a form of protein that is found in the skin and other parts of the body. It promotes hair growth and hair thickening, of the hair thinning caused by androgenic alopecia.
You can try using ointments, serums, shampoos, and conditioners that are known to contain collagen. You should rub them on your scalp before taking a bath.
Injectable options are also available.
- Vitamin Supplements
Taking certain vitamin and mineral supplements has shown benefits in hair growth. They include:
- Vitamin A.
- Vitamin B – includes biotin, which is a key ingredient in multiple hair-growth treatments.
- Vitamin C.
- Vitamin D.
- Iron and zinc supplements.
Taking a high dose of any supplements may cause risks or complications. You should consult a doctor before taking this step.
The Bottom Line
Bald patches may occur in both men and women. Hair loss may be due to various reasons. The most common is stress, aging, skin and scalp problems, iron deficiency, and other factors discussed in this article.
You can also consider using a laser hair growth cap to see if it solves your bald patch issue. Again, we’d advise checking with your doctor first before trying any remedy.
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