Topmost Working Principles of a Nebulizer Machine You Must Know

January 7, 2022

A number of questions may cross your mind when it comes to purchasing a nebulizer machine. What is a nebulizer? Who all can use it? How does it work? Well, everything related to a nebulizer is covered in this piece of information.

For anyone wondering what a nebulizer is, it is a small piece of equipment that is used by patients suffering from breathing issues. The machine turns the liquid medicine to a mist. The same is done so that no patient faces any difficulty while inhaling the medicine. Medical conditions like asthma and other respiratory diseases are treated because of a nebulizer.

The machine makes it easy for the patient to inhale medicated vapor. No patient can use this machine until and unless a doctor prescribes to do so. Are you someone who has to purchase this medical equipment because the doctor has asked to do so? Well, now is the time to make a move. Continue reading this piece of information and determine the types of nebulizers available.

Different type of nebulizers available

According to medical experts, the best nebulizer machine is available in three different types.

       A jet nebulizer that basically uses a compressor gas so that an aerosol is prepared.

       A mesh nebulizer that allows the nebulizer to pass through the mesh and only then an aerosol is prepared.

       An ultrasonic nebulizer that prepares an aerosol with the help of high frequency vibrations.

Uses of a nebulizer explained

A nebulizer is a piece of equipment that is very helpful if you have issues in breathing. Nebulized therapy is normally recommended to anyone suffering from respiratory problems or asthma. Nebulizers are used by patients for various medical conditions, including bronchodilators and corticosteroids. In addition to this, asthma symptoms are also lessened or controlled.

Benefits of using a nebulizer

  1. The device allows the patients to inhale the medicine in the right manner. The medicine reaches the lungs without any inconvenience. 
  1. A nebulizer is also useful for severe attack medical conditions that might take place all of a sudden. 
  1. A nebulizer works wonders for older people who do not like using an inhaler. 
  1. Issues like nasal congestion, sennzing, cough, and nausea are lessened with the help of a nebulizer.

Disadvantages of a nebulizer

  1. The medical equipment may give rise to itching. 
  1. A nebulizer leads to drowsiness. 
  1. A patient may experience nose bleeding after using a nebulizer. 
  1. Serum sickness

How do you make use of a nebulizer?

Follow the below instructions to use a nebulizer.

  1. Before using the nebulizer, make sure to clean your hands with soap and water. Then use a towel to dry them.
  1. Measure the amount of medicine that has been prescribed by the doctor. Then use a medicine cup and pour the medicine into the nebulizer. 
  1. Fix the mouthpiece to the cup of the nebulizer. 
  2. Attach the tubing properly.
  3. Switch on the compressor of the machine 
  1. Start inhaling the mist. 
  1. Once used, do not forget to switch it off


This is everything you ought to know about a nebulizer. We hope now that you are familiar with the information, purchasing the right one won’t be daunting.

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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